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The article below traces the late Prof. Dr. Ace Partadiredja Is one of Indonesian scholar of economics who supported ethic economics. In this context that the best alternative of Indonesia economic development is ethic-based. One of its economical institution is cooperation because it covers the vertical integration form from its member, an independent economical institution, and as a coalition ofits member's interest and that of economical decision maker. So, it is accepted if there is an agreement that study of modernization and development as an interrelation which include political science, economics, sociology and the other branches of socio-cultural and each other give a mutual contribution to keep the ethic of development.


ekonomi etik kelembagaan pembangunan dan koperasi

Article Details

Author Biography

- Sajogyo

Guru Besar dan Ketua Program Pasca Sarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor, mantan Anggota Yayasan Agro Ekonomika
How to Cite
Sajogyo, .-. (2016). Etika Pembangunan, Siapa yang Punya? Kasus: Ide Koperasi. Unisia, (54), 343–350.
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