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The regulations on general election together with presidential election have changed along Indonesian history. For its more than a half of a century, the way general election has varied from very multiparty – very limited party and then multiparty. For this near coming general election, the representative will be chosen directly by constituents, a new system has been introduced, this is called by open-proportional. Again, this is the time, in which president will be chosen directly by people and separately from member of parliament election. The problem is. how far this, in its implementation will give significant change for the democratization in Indonesia. This article will bring to go through this analysis.

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Author Biography

Harun Alrasid

Guru Besar Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia Jakarta, ia juga menjadi dosen terbang di Universitas Jambi, Universitas Lampung, dan Universitas Islam Indonesia. Dikenal sebagai Pakar Hukum Tata Negara, aktif menulis dan pembicara berbagai seminar. Pernah menjadi Ketua Komisi Pemilihan Umum Pusat 1999 dan kala itu dijuluki sebagai "hati nurani KPU" karena keteguhan sikapnya.
How to Cite
Alrasid, H. (2016). Tinjauan Yuridis Mengenai Perangkat Undang-undang Pemilihan Umum. Unisia, (51), 3–8.

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