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The direct election of the local government will bring some implication in politics, economy and social sphere. Event the direct participation by people to choose their Local Government has some weaknesses according to the circumstance of paternal istic term, nepotisme and primordilism, but we have to aware that this process will bring more participation of the society to the proces of democratitation and people can monitor their own political performance; less possibility for money politics, and more awarness of public accountanbilty.

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Author Biography

M Thalhah

peserta Program Doktor (S-3) Ilmu Hukum UII Yogyakarta. Menyelesalkan Sarjana (S-1) dari Fakultas Syariah IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya (1986) dan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gresik (1997). Sedang Strata Dua (S-2) diseiesaikan pada Program Ilmu Hukum UII (2001). Sejak tahun 1987 menjadi dosen tetap pada Universitas Bojonegoro (Unigoro) Jawa Timur. Saat Ini selain menjabat sebagai Wakil BupatI Bojonegoro, juga selaku Rektor Universitas Bojonegoro (UNIGORO), Jawa Timur Aktif menulis di berbagai Jurnal dan media massa.

How to Cite
Thalhah, M. (2016). Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Secara Langsung: Garansi Moral dan Demokrasi?. Unisia, (51), 69–78.