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Indonesia is a country that has many volcanoes.
 A large number of volcanoes lead to potential disaster due to the impact
of large volcanic eruption. One is a volcanic earthquake which occurred when
 volcanoes will erupt. Volcanic earthquakes occur due to volcanic activities
. Earthquakes caused by the movement of magma inside the volcano. As a
 result of the earthquake from vibrating homes to vibrate, crack until the
collapse. One of volcanic earthquakes that occurred is of volcanic
earthquakes at the merapi mountain on the island of Java. Earthquake
felt by the residents of villages around the merapi mountain. One village
 is fairly close to the merapi mountain is dukuh Pencil, Munggung village,
Karangdowo district, Klaten, Central Java. So the village has the potential to
feel the impact of the earthquake merapi mountain. To reduce the impact
 of the earthquake is carried socialization of how to design a home that
 houses the earthquake disaster response that were built by residents
of the  dukuh Pencil, Munggung  village can survived and did not collapse
 when the earthquake occurred  


Mountain quake volcanic

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