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This paper intends to discuss how the morals of the Prophet's wives, which
are summarized in Surah Al-Ahzab verses 28-35, used as directions,
references, and instructions for women. The wives of the Prophet are the
mothers of religious people so that it should be used as an example by
Muslims, especially for women. In analyzing Surat Al-Ahzab verses 28-35,
the writer uses the library research approach, with the primary data source
is Buya Hamka's book of Tafsir Al-Azhar. and for the secondary data, the
writer uses various books and journals that are relevant with the topic. This
paper concluded that according to Buya Hamka interpretation, the morals
ordered by Allah SWT to women in Surat Al-Ahzab verses 28-35, is to
choose the afterlife over the temporary world or implementing simple life,
not to commit heinous acts towards others, such as condemning, cursing at
people, stealing, slandering, because it can drop a woman's honor, speaking
well, politely, firmly, not weak and flirtatious, staying at home, not overly
made up and dressed up, worshiping (reading the Koran, giving charity,
Fasting, Dhikr) with khusyu, and clear from all the qualities that defile the
heart (envy, arrogance, envy, and greed).

Keyword: Morality, Tafsir, Character Education, Buya Hamka


The Prophet's Wife Morals, Surat Al-Ahzab verses 28-35, The Book of Tafsir Al-Azhar, Buya Hamka

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