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Character education is a conscious effort to educate and empower students to
have individual characters, attitudes, and morals in accordance with social
norms so that they benefit themselves and society. In 2018, KPAI handled
1885 cases. The most cases, 504 children, are criminal cases starting from
drug dealers, stealing, to brawling. The KPAI also stated that the cases of
brawl in Indonesia increased by 1.1% throughout 2018. In 2017, the number of brawl cases was 12.9%, but increased to 14% in 2018. This shows that the problem of character is one of the problems that threaten the morality, attitudes and behavior of teenagers today. This Research is a narrative literature study through a descriptive approach as a method of writing. This studyfound that the humanist method with a gradual model is the main key to the success of implementing character education. The pattern of character education in Luqmanul Hakim's story begins with the role of parents in instilling tauhid belief, the teaching to do good to parents, worship, and instilling good and noble character in a child.

Keywords: Character Education, Role of Parents, Surah Luqman

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