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The background of the service is that the development of the Kawruh
Lumbung Studio is needed so that it can be further developed through the
Cukil Screen Printing Business. The Cukil screen printing business is
considered to be important expertise to accommodate creativity and improve
the community's economy, especially young people to not migrate but focus
on working to support the progress of Petir Village. The lumbung kawruh
studio has several routine activities, including learning to read and write
Javanese script, learning to dance and a mini library. The various creative
potentials above, on the other hand, can be used as a medium for
entrepreneurship education for youth in the area. The purpose of this service
is to develop the art of Cukil (Cukil screen printing) which is applied to tshirts and bags, and to make it a medium for entrepreneurship education for youth in the area. The results of this service process include young people who have had cut-out screen printing skills through the entrepreneurship education process using the focus group discussion method, workshops andthe practice of screen printing.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship education, development, Cukil screen

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