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The ever increase of moral degradation cases has proven the inability of
Indonesian modern educational institutions to create students with good
character. On the contrary, Islamic boarding school educational institutions
are one of the institutions that are expected to be able to change the morals of
the community, especially students to socialize through programs,
regulations, and habits of students in Islamic boarding schools. This study
aims to see the impact of the Taslihul Huda Islamic Boarding School
education on the morals of the santri community through existing activities,
programs, and regulations. The researcher used interviews and observations
to find data from the head and boarding school administrators, the
community, and the students who were there, then the researchers analysed
and processed the data by triangulation. From the results of the study, it can
be said that the existing programs and regulations at the Taslihul Huda
Islamic boarding school are effective in shaping the morals of the santri and
the community's ability to provide positive responses to students in
engaging with the community.

Keywords: Islamic Boarding School; Morality; Society; Students


Islamic Boarding School; Morality; Society; Students

Article Details

Author Biography

Aminatuz Zuhriyah, IAIN Pekalongan

Pendidikan Agama Islam


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