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This paper attempts to explore to what extent the current regime has changed the business and investment climate in Indonesia. Tsunami and earthquake in various regions overshadowed and sank the hope of fundamental changes by what is called as one hundred day of SBY-JK. Our findings illuminate that the SBY-JK regime has not addressed some critical problems encountered by industries and companies thoroughly. Therefore, we argue some suggested corrective actions based the surveys are badly needed for the new cabinet and local governments in Indonesia. The major reforms may include: (1) changing source of economic growth, from consumption driven to investment/ export-led growth; (2) some corrective actions to eliminate, at least reduce, the barriers along roads, seaports, and customs to increase export and eliminate corruption; (3) a well designed and comprehensive medium term planning to highlight the pathways that both central and local government will pursue.


reformasi investasi iklim bisnis korupsi pungli

Article Details

Author Biography

Mudrajad Kuncoro

Staf pengajar dan peneliti pada Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Master of Social Science diperoleh dari University of Birmingham, Inggris, gelar Ph.D. diperoleh dari University of Melbourne, Australia. Pemimpin Redaksi Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis Indonesia
How to Cite
Kuncoro, M. (2016). Menanti Reformasi Iklim Bisnis di Indonesia. Unisia, (55), 3–15.
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