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The empowering of civil society denotes close and old horizon around the activists of Non-Governmental Organization. This discourse offers to create powered and independent people based on the root of supporting of human rights. The notion of civil society empowerment after the fall of New Order era always emerges. But, the problem is most of statements that stated never to explore the root of social problems. As result, the statements only become empty jargon. The impact of this, the concept of civil society empowerment has been never to be reconstructed and contextualized in accordant with the changing of social and political situation, especially at Megawati era. As a gradual process, civil society empowerment needs objective situation, for instance open-government and society. The following article focusing on civil society empowerment by protecting the freedom to accese information in 100 day agenda of SBYandJK.


kebebasan informasi pemberdayaan masyarakat

Article Details

Author Biography

- Masduki

Dosen tetap Universitas Islam Indonesia, Ketua Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UII, dan Koordinator Aliansi Jurnalistik Indonesia (AJI), Yogyakarta
How to Cite
Masduki, .-. (2016). Masyarakat Terbuka dan Kebebasan Mengakses Informasi, Agenda Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Sipil Rezim SBY-Kalla. Unisia, (55), 60–70.
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