Published: December 27, 2020

Exploring the Use of Mobile Instant Messaging Among Middle-aged Adults in Social Relationships Maintenance with Family and Friends

Olivine Wai-yu Lo (1)
(1) Department of Journalism and Communication, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong

The Discourse of Tionghoa Muslim Identity in Indonesia After the Reform Order: A Critical Discourse Analysis of ‘Komunitas’ - ‘Cheng Hoo’ Magazine

Ahmad Alwajih (1)
(1) Lecturer of Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Arab dan Dakwah Masjid Agung Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, Indonesia

The Use of New Media Technology in Families and Its Impact on Intimacy

Hana Rizquna Nabela (1), Puji Rianto (2)
(1) Department of Communication Science. Universitas Islam Indonesia ,
(2) Department of Communication Science. Universitas Islam Indonesia

Tank-top, Indonesian Music Video, and Mythologizing Modern Women: Some Theoretical Notes

Fionna Christabella (1)
(1) Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Studies, State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung (IAIN Tulungagung), Indonesia

Raw Denim as a Means of Communication: Self Expression and Identity

Fadhli Rahmandani (1), Ratna Permata Sari (2)
(1) Department of Communication, Universitas Islam Indonesia ,
(2) Department of Communication, Universitas Islam Indonesia