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This study discusses the politics of recognition of Baha'i adherents in Indonesia, who face obstacles in society. Apart from rejection in society, there are restrictions on their civil rights. This research was conducted in a regional locus in Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan. In addition to discussing Baha'I adherents, who are not widely known by the public, especially in Kubu Raya, the study aims to provide important information regarding the relationship between the Baha’is and the majority Muslim community and the government of Kubu Raya. The research was conducted with a socio-legal approach, directly taking to the field by conducting interviews—data analysis through stages; data condensation, data exposure, conclusion, and verification. The research findings explain that Baha'i adherents have not been fully recognized by society and the law in Indonesia, but amid the Muslim majority community in Kubu Raya, they have never experienced rejection; in fact, their existence is very well received by the people of Kubu Raya who are known to be diverse and accept differences. Baha’i adherents are known to be very kind, friendly, and open by the people of Kubu Raya. On the other hand, the Baha'i adherents are not fully recognized by the Kubu Raya Local Government, so civil rights that should be fully guaranteed, assist-ed, and protected by the constitution, are still hampered because the existing system in government administration does not provide a Baha'i religion column.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ali Akhbar Abaib Mas Rabbani Lubis, Sulaiman

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Adhitama, S. (2020). Baha’i teaching in Pancasila. International Journal of Arts and Social Science, 3(2), 110–123.
Asshiddiqie, J., & Safa’at, M. A. (2006). Teori Hans Kelsen tentang hukum [Hans Kelsen’s theory on law]. Konstitusi Press.
Bagir, Z. A., & Dwipayana, A. G. A. (2011). Keragaman, kesetaraan dan keadilan: Pluralisme kewargaan dalam masyarakat demokratis [Diversity, equality and justice: Citizenship pluralism in a democratic society]. In Z. A. Bagir, A. G. A. Dwipayana, M. Rahayu, T. Sutanto, & F. Wajidi (Eds.), Pluralisme kewargaan: Arah baru politik keragaman di Indonesia [Citizenship pluralism: The new direction of diversity politics in Indonesia]. Mizan & CRCS.
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Gramsci, A. (1971). Selections from the prison notebooks (Q. Hoare & G. N. Smith, Eds.; Reprint, 1989 edition). International Publishers Co.
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Hidayat, S. (2017). Stereotip mahasiswa IAIN Pontianak terhadap Agama Baha’i [Stereotypes of IAIN Pontianak students towards the Baha’i Religion]. Religio: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama, 7(1), 55–83.
Honneth, A. (1996). The struggle for recognition: The moral grammar of social conflicts (J. Anderson, Trans.). The MIT Press.
Honneth, A. (2001). Recognition or redistribution? Changing perspectives on the moral order society. Theory, 18(2–3), 43–55.
Irianto, S. (2012). Memperkenalkan kajian sosio-legal dan implikasi metodologisnya [Introducing socio-legal studies and their methodological implications]. In A. W. Bedner, S. Irianto, J. M. Otto, & T. D. Warastri (Eds.), Kajian sosio-legal [Socio-legal studies] (pp. 1–18). Pustaka Larasan.
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Kock, L. de. (1992). An interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature, 23(3), 29–47.
Kustini, & Arif, S. (2014). Agama Baha’i problematika pelayanan hak-hak sipil [The Baha’i faith: Problems with civil rights services]. Harmoni: Jurnal Multikultural & Multireligius, 13(3), 84–98.
Lee, A. A. (2011). The Baha’i Faith in Africa: Establishing a new religious movement, 1952-1962. Brill.
Lubis, A. A. A. M. R. (2020). Religious nation state: Bahtiar Effendy and Islamic political thought. Millah, 19(2), 167–198.
Maarif, S. (2018). Pasang surut rekognisi agama leluhur dalam politik agama di Indonesia [The ups and downs of the recognition of ancestral religion in religious politics in Indonesia] (Revised edition). CRCS.
Marshall, P. (2018). The ambiguities of religious freedom in Indonesia. The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 16(1), 85–96.
Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldana, J. (2018). Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook (4th edition). SAGE Publications, Inc.
Momen, M. (2007). Marginality and apostasy in the Baha’i community. Religion, 37(3), 187–209.
Mufiani, I. (2016). Fenomena Agama Baha’i di Yogyakarta: Sebuah sorotan upaya menemukan titik temu dengan agama multirelijius [Phenomenon of Baha’i Religion in Yogyakarta: A highlight of efforts to find common ground with multi-religious religions]. Sosiologi Agama: Jurnal Ilmiah Sosiologi Agama Dan Perubahan Sosial, 10(2), 25–50.
Mutiara, K. E. (2016). Menanamkan toleransi multi agama sebagai payung anti radikalisme (Studi kasus komunitas lintas agama dan kepercayaan di Pantura Tali Akrab) [Instilling multi-religious tolerance as an anti-radicalism umbrella (Case study of interfaith and belief communities in Pantura Tali Akrab)]. Fikrah: Jurnal Ilmu Aqidah Dan Studi Keagamaan, 4(2), 293–302.
Nuh, N. M. (2015). Analisis kebijakan pemerintah terhadap penganut Agama Baha’i di Kabupaten Pati, Provinsi Jawa Tengah [Analysis of government policies towards adherents of the Baha’i Religion in Pati District, Central Java Province]. Harmoni: Jurnal Multikultural & MultireligiusJurnal, 14(3), 129–143.
Nurish, A. (2012). Social injustice and problem of human rights in Indonesian Baha’is community. En Arche : Indonesian Journal of Inter-Religious Studies, 3(Religious Studies).'is_Community/links/5ea806eba6fdcccf72690a6e/Social-Injustice-And-Problem-Of-Human-Rights-In-Indonesian-Bahais-Community.pdf
Palmer, D. A., & Tavangar, T. (2021). The Baha’i faith and convenantal pluralism: Promoting oneness, respecting difference. The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 19(2), 29–39.
Panjaitan, A. K. (2018). Implikasi pengosongan kolom agama dalam kartu tanda penduduk terhadap pemenuhan hak konstitusional umat Baha’i [Implications of emptying the religion column on identity cards for the fulfillment of constitutional rights of Baha’is]. Indonesian State Law Review (ISLRev), 1(1), 1–16.
Pengadilan Agama Sungai Raya. (2020). Laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan tahun 2020 [2020 activity implementation report]. Pengadilan Agama Sungai Raya.
Possamai, A., & Possamai-Inesedy, A. (2007). The Baha’i faith and Caodaism: Migration, change and de-secularization(s) in Australia. Journal of Sociology, 43(3), 301–317.
Purba, I. P. M. H., Wijaya, R., & Lonto, A. L. (2018). Legal protection for Baha’i adherent in Indonesia. 1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018), 214–219.
Rizaldy, Y., & Suyanto, T. (2020). Strategi penganut Agama Baha’i di Kota Surabaya dalam mempertahankan eksistensinya [The strategy of adherents of the Baha’i religion in the city of Surabaya in maintaining its existence]. Kajian Moral Dan Kewarganegaraan, 8(2), 231–245.
Rojiati, U. (2019). Manajemen komunikasi sosial penganut Agama Baha’i [Management of social communication adherents of the Baha’i Religion]. Communicatus: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 3(1), 1–16.
Rosyid, M., & Kushidayati, L. (2021). Penguatan pelayanan administrasi kependudukan pada umat Agama Baha’i di Pati Jawa Tengah [Strengthening population administration services for members of the Baha’i religion in Pati, Central Java]. Majalah Hukum Nasional, 51(2), 201–218.
Rosyid, Moh. (2016). Memotret Agama Baha’i di Jawa Tengah di tengah lemahnya perlindungan Pemda [Photographing the Baha’i Religion in Central Java in the midst of weak local government protection]. Vidya Samhita, 2(2), 1–17.
Rosyid, Moh. (2018). Resolusi konflik Umat Baha’i dengan Muslim: Studi kasus di Pati, Jawa Tengah [Conflict resolution between Baha’is and Muslims: A case study in Pati, Central Java]. Harmoni: Jurnal Multikultural & Multireligius, 17(2), 424–442.
Rosyid, Moh. (2020). Moderate Muslim by Baha’i religious community: A case study in Pati Regency in Central Java. Al Qalam, 37(1), 49–68.
Smith, P., & Momen, M. (1989). The Baha’i faith 1957-1988: A survey of contemporary developments. Religion, 19(1), 63–91.
Sugiyarto, W. (2010). Agama Bahai (Studi kasus Agama Bahai di Desa Ringinpitu Kedungwaru Tulungagung Jawa Timur) [Bahai Religion (Case study of Bahai Religion in Ringinpitu Kedungwaru Village, Tulungagung, East Java)]. In N. M. Nuh (Ed.), Aliran-aliran keagamaan aktual di Indonesia [Actual religious sects in Indonesia]. Maloho Jaya Abadi Press.
Talebi, M., & Desjardins, M. (2012). The immigration experience of Iranian Baha’is in Saskatchewan: The reconstruction of their existence, faith, and religious experience. Journal of Religion and Health, 51(2), 293–309.
Taylor, C. (1994). The politics of recognition. In Multiculturalism: Examining the politics of recognition (pp. 25–73). Princenton University Press.
Warburg, M. (1999). Baha’i: A religious approach to globalization. Social Compass, 46(1), 47–56.
Adhitama, S. (2020). Baha’i teaching in Pancasila. International Journal of Arts and Social Science, 3(2), 110–123.
Asshiddiqie, J., & Safa’at, M. A. (2006). Teori Hans Kelsen tentang hukum [Hans Kelsen’s theory on law]. Konstitusi Press.
Bagir, Z. A., & Dwipayana, A. G. A. (2011). Keragaman, kesetaraan dan keadilan: Pluralisme kewargaan dalam masyarakat demokratis [Diversity, equality and justice: Citizenship pluralism in a democratic society]. In Z. A. Bagir, A. G. A. Dwipayana, M. Rahayu, T. Sutanto, & F. Wajidi (Eds.), Pluralisme kewargaan: Arah baru politik keragaman di Indonesia [Citizenship pluralism: The new direction of diversity politics in Indonesia]. Mizan & CRCS.
Bedner, A. W. (2021, November 1). Introducing socio-legal approach to the study of Islamic law [Internasional webinar].
Boland, B. J. (1971). The struggle of Islam in modern Indonesia. Springer Netherlands.
BPS Kabupaten Kubu Raya. (2021). Kabupaten Kubu Raya dalam angka 2021 [Kubu Raya Regency in figures 2021]. BPS Kabupaten Kubu Raya.
Christianto, H. (2013). Arti penting UU No. 1/PNPS/1965 bagi kebebasan beragama: Kajian Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 140/PUU-VII/2009 [The significance of Law no. 1/PNPS/1965 for freedom of religion: Review of Constitutional Court Decision Number 140/PUU-VII/2009]. Jurnal Yudisial, 6(1), 1–16.
Cole, J. R. I. (1998). The Baha’i faith in America as panopticon, 1963-1997. Journal of the Scientific Study of Religion, 37(2), 234–248.
Cole, J. R. I. (2002). Fundamentalism in the contemporary U.S. Baha’i community. Review of Religious Research, 43(3), 195–217.
de Vries, J. (2007). Jamal Effendi and Sayyid Mustafa Rumi in Celebes: The Context of Early Baha’i Missionary Activity in Indonesia. Baha’i Studies Review, 14(1), 23–37.
Dinas Dukcapil Kab. Kubu Raya. (2021, February 4). Dinas Dukcapil Kab. Kubu Raya dan Badan Pusat Statistik Kab. Kubu Raya mengumumkan rilis hasil Sensus Penduduk Tahun 2020 [Dukcapil Kab. Kubu Raya and Badan Pusat Statistik Kab. Kubu Raya announced the release of the results of the 2020 Population Census] [HTML]. Dinas Dukcapil Kab. Kubu Raya.
Fazel, S. (1994). Is the baha’i faith a world religion? Journal of Baha’i Studies, 6(1), 1–16.
Ferreira, M. A. S. V., & Karlberg, M. (2017). Baha’i faith. In P. Joseph (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of war: Social science perspectives (pp. 131–133). SAGE Publications, Inc.
Gramsci, A. (1971). Selections from the prison notebooks (Q. Hoare & G. N. Smith, Eds.; Reprint, 1989 edition). International Publishers Co.
Hampson, A. (1980). The Growth and spread of the Baha’i faith [Doctoral dissertation, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa].
Hartz, P. (2009). Baha’i faith (J. O’Brien & M. Palmer, Eds.; 3rd edition). Chelsea House Publications.
Hatta, M. (1960). Demokrasi kita (Our democracy). Pandji Masjarakat.
Hidayat, S. (2017). Stereotip mahasiswa IAIN Pontianak terhadap Agama Baha’i [Stereotypes of IAIN Pontianak students towards the Baha’i Religion]. Religio: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama, 7(1), 55–83.
Honneth, A. (1996). The struggle for recognition: The moral grammar of social conflicts (J. Anderson, Trans.). The MIT Press.
Honneth, A. (2001). Recognition or redistribution? Changing perspectives on the moral order society. Theory, 18(2–3), 43–55.
Irianto, S. (2012). Memperkenalkan kajian sosio-legal dan implikasi metodologisnya [Introducing socio-legal studies and their methodological implications]. In A. W. Bedner, S. Irianto, J. M. Otto, & T. D. Warastri (Eds.), Kajian sosio-legal [Socio-legal studies] (pp. 1–18). Pustaka Larasan.
Karlberg, M. (2010). Constructive resilience: The Baha’i response to oppression. Peace & Change, 35(2), 222–257.
Kelsen, H. (2005). General theory of law and state. Routledge.
Kock, L. de. (1992). An interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature, 23(3), 29–47.
Kustini, & Arif, S. (2014). Agama Baha’i problematika pelayanan hak-hak sipil [The Baha’i faith: Problems with civil rights services]. Harmoni: Jurnal Multikultural & Multireligius, 13(3), 84–98.
Lee, A. A. (2011). The Baha’i Faith in Africa: Establishing a new religious movement, 1952-1962. Brill.
Lubis, A. A. A. M. R. (2020). Religious nation state: Bahtiar Effendy and Islamic political thought. Millah, 19(2), 167–198.
Maarif, S. (2018). Pasang surut rekognisi agama leluhur dalam politik agama di Indonesia [The ups and downs of the recognition of ancestral religion in religious politics in Indonesia] (Revised edition). CRCS.
Marshall, P. (2018). The ambiguities of religious freedom in Indonesia. The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 16(1), 85–96.
Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldana, J. (2018). Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook (4th edition). SAGE Publications, Inc.
Momen, M. (2007). Marginality and apostasy in the Baha’i community. Religion, 37(3), 187–209.
Mufiani, I. (2016). Fenomena Agama Baha’i di Yogyakarta: Sebuah sorotan upaya menemukan titik temu dengan agama multirelijius [Phenomenon of Baha’i Religion in Yogyakarta: A highlight of efforts to find common ground with multi-religious religions]. Sosiologi Agama: Jurnal Ilmiah Sosiologi Agama Dan Perubahan Sosial, 10(2), 25–50.
Mutiara, K. E. (2016). Menanamkan toleransi multi agama sebagai payung anti radikalisme (Studi kasus komunitas lintas agama dan kepercayaan di Pantura Tali Akrab) [Instilling multi-religious tolerance as an anti-radicalism umbrella (Case study of interfaith and belief communities in Pantura Tali Akrab)]. Fikrah: Jurnal Ilmu Aqidah Dan Studi Keagamaan, 4(2), 293–302.
Nuh, N. M. (2015). Analisis kebijakan pemerintah terhadap penganut Agama Baha’i di Kabupaten Pati, Provinsi Jawa Tengah [Analysis of government policies towards adherents of the Baha’i Religion in Pati District, Central Java Province]. Harmoni: Jurnal Multikultural & MultireligiusJurnal, 14(3), 129–143.
Nurish, A. (2012). Social injustice and problem of human rights in Indonesian Baha’is community. En Arche : Indonesian Journal of Inter-Religious Studies, 3(Religious Studies).'is_Community/links/5ea806eba6fdcccf72690a6e/Social-Injustice-And-Problem-Of-Human-Rights-In-Indonesian-Bahais-Community.pdf
Palmer, D. A., & Tavangar, T. (2021). The Baha’i faith and convenantal pluralism: Promoting oneness, respecting difference. The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 19(2), 29–39.
Panjaitan, A. K. (2018). Implikasi pengosongan kolom agama dalam kartu tanda penduduk terhadap pemenuhan hak konstitusional umat Baha’i [Implications of emptying the religion column on identity cards for the fulfillment of constitutional rights of Baha’is]. Indonesian State Law Review (ISLRev), 1(1), 1–16.
Pengadilan Agama Sungai Raya. (2020). Laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan tahun 2020 [2020 activity implementation report]. Pengadilan Agama Sungai Raya.
Possamai, A., & Possamai-Inesedy, A. (2007). The Baha’i faith and Caodaism: Migration, change and de-secularization(s) in Australia. Journal of Sociology, 43(3), 301–317.
Purba, I. P. M. H., Wijaya, R., & Lonto, A. L. (2018). Legal protection for Baha’i adherent in Indonesia. 1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018), 214–219.
Rizaldy, Y., & Suyanto, T. (2020). Strategi penganut Agama Baha’i di Kota Surabaya dalam mempertahankan eksistensinya [The strategy of adherents of the Baha’i religion in the city of Surabaya in maintaining its existence]. Kajian Moral Dan Kewarganegaraan, 8(2), 231–245.
Rojiati, U. (2019). Manajemen komunikasi sosial penganut Agama Baha’i [Management of social communication adherents of the Baha’i Religion]. Communicatus: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 3(1), 1–16.
Rosyid, M., & Kushidayati, L. (2021). Penguatan pelayanan administrasi kependudukan pada umat Agama Baha’i di Pati Jawa Tengah [Strengthening population administration services for members of the Baha’i religion in Pati, Central Java]. Majalah Hukum Nasional, 51(2), 201–218.
Rosyid, Moh. (2016). Memotret Agama Baha’i di Jawa Tengah di tengah lemahnya perlindungan Pemda [Photographing the Baha’i Religion in Central Java in the midst of weak local government protection]. Vidya Samhita, 2(2), 1–17.
Rosyid, Moh. (2018). Resolusi konflik Umat Baha’i dengan Muslim: Studi kasus di Pati, Jawa Tengah [Conflict resolution between Baha’is and Muslims: A case study in Pati, Central Java]. Harmoni: Jurnal Multikultural & Multireligius, 17(2), 424–442.
Rosyid, Moh. (2020). Moderate Muslim by Baha’i religious community: A case study in Pati Regency in Central Java. Al Qalam, 37(1), 49–68.
Smith, P., & Momen, M. (1989). The Baha’i faith 1957-1988: A survey of contemporary developments. Religion, 19(1), 63–91.
Sugiyarto, W. (2010). Agama Bahai (Studi kasus Agama Bahai di Desa Ringinpitu Kedungwaru Tulungagung Jawa Timur) [Bahai Religion (Case study of Bahai Religion in Ringinpitu Kedungwaru Village, Tulungagung, East Java)]. In N. M. Nuh (Ed.), Aliran-aliran keagamaan aktual di Indonesia [Actual religious sects in Indonesia]. Maloho Jaya Abadi Press.
Talebi, M., & Desjardins, M. (2012). The immigration experience of Iranian Baha’is in Saskatchewan: The reconstruction of their existence, faith, and religious experience. Journal of Religion and Health, 51(2), 293–309.
Taylor, C. (1994). The politics of recognition. In Multiculturalism: Examining the politics of recognition (pp. 25–73). Princenton University Press.
Warburg, M. (1999). Baha’i: A religious approach to globalization. Social Compass, 46(1), 47–56.