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In the 17th century AD, the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam reached its golden peak and became an intellectual and spiritual center of Islam in the archipelago filled with many scholars. Among them was Shaykh Abdurrauf As-Singkili, who became the Qadli Malikul Adil of the Kingdom. Therefore, this study seeks to examine the contribution of Shaykh Abdurrauf as-Singkili to the grounding of Islamic law in the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam in the 17th century AD. The research method in this study is a literature study analyzing Sheikh Abdurrauf as-Singkili’s books and related studies. The results of this study explain that Shaykh Abdurrauf As-Singkili contributed significantly to the grounding of Islamic law in the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam when he served as the Qadli Malikul Adil, recorded the Mir’atu Thullab which was a guidebook for the qadli, and made Aceh an intellectual-spiritual center of Islam in the archipelago.
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Abdul Jalil, M. N., & Alias, M. (2020). Nur al-Din al-Raniri’s selected commentaries on other religions in the 17th century Malay world. Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 15(1), 147–155.
Abdullah, H. W. M. S. (2014, October 27). Tafsir Al-Baidhawi, terjemah Al-Quran Melayu yang pertama (Tarjuman al-Mustafid) [HTML]. Khazanah Fathaniyah.
Al-Mizjaji, A. al-K. bin A. bin al-Z. A. al-Zain. (1997). Nuzhah Riyadl al-Ijazah al-Mustathabah bi Dzikri Manaqib al-Masyayikh Ahli al-Riwayah wa al-Ishabah [Nozha Riyad Al-Ijazah, which is recommended by mentioning the virtues of the sheikhs, the people of narration and affliction]. Dar al-Fikr.
Al-Fadani, Y. (1990). Al-nafkhah al-miskiyyah fi al-asanid al-Makkiyah [The musky whiff in the Meccan chains of transmission]. Dar Basyair Islamiyah.
Al-Hasani, A. H. (1999). Al-I’lam biman fi tarikh al-Hindi min al-a’lam al-mutsamma bi nuzhah al-khawathir wa bahjah al-masami’ wa al-nawazhir. Dar Ibnu Hazm.
Al-Sinkili, A. (2009). Tanbih al-masyi al-mansub ila thariq al-Qusyasyi [Directions for the adepts of the brotherhood of al-Qusyasyi]. Padang.
Al-Sinkili, A. (2015). Mir’at al-thullab fi tashil ma’rifah al-ahkam al-syar’iyah li al-Malik al-Wahhab (M. Kurdi & J. Thaib, Trans.). Lembaga Naskah Aceh.
Al-Zirikli, K. (2002). Al-A’lam qamus tarajim li asyhar al-rijal wa al-nisa’ min al-’arab wa al-musta’ribin wa al-mustasyriqin. Dar Ilmi li Malayin.
Auliahadi, A., & Nofra, D. (2019). Tumbuh dan berkembangnya kerajaan-kerajaan Islam di Sumatera dan Jawa [The growth and development of Islamic kingdoms in Sumatra and Java]. Majalah Ilmiah Tabuah: Ta`limat, Budaya, Agama Dan Humaniora, 23(1), 35–46.
Auni, L. (1993). The decline of the Islamic empire of Aceh (1641-1699) [Master thesis, McGill University].
Azra, A. (2013). Jaringan ulama Timur Tengah dan Kepulauan Nusantara abad XVII & XVIII [Network of Middle East and Archipelago scholars in the XVII and XVIII centuries]. Prenada Media Grup.
Baqi, S. A., Aziz, M., & Windari, S. (2022). Pola kepemimpinan Sultanah Aceh dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan 1641-1699 M [The pattern of leadership of the Sultanah of Aceh in the development of science 1641-1699 M]. Journal of Islamic History, 2(1), 48–62.
Berhan, A., Bakar, A. A., Abdullah, M. S. Y., Othman, S. H., Salleh, R. M., Ridzwan, Z., Halim, A. H. A., Kamal, R. A. M., & Ali, A. (2019). Munākahāt (marriage) from the perspective Shaykh Abdul Rauf bin Ali al- Fansūri al-Singkīli in mushrip Mir’at al- Thullāb: One introduction. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamic and Control Systems, 11(8 Special Issue), 240–244.
Burhanudin, J. (2016). Pasang surut hubungan Aceh dan Turki Usmani: Perspektif sejarah [The ups and downs of the relationship between Aceh and the Ottoman Empire: A historical perspective]. Studia Islamika, 23(2), 373–389.
Bustamam-Ahmad, K. (2017). A study of Panglima La’ōt: An ‘adat institution in Aceh. Al-Jami’ah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 55(1), 155–188.
Christomy, T. (2001). Shaṭṭārīyah tradition on West Java: The case of Pamijahan. Studia Islamika, 8(2), 55–82.
Di Mulek, T., Daud, M. K., & Sakti, T. A. (2010). Qanun Meukuta Alam dalam syarah Tadhkirah Tabaq̃at Tgk. Di Mulek dan komentarnya: Disalin kembali dan dialihaksarakan dari Arab-Melayu ke Latin [Qanun Meukuta Alam in the syarah of Tadhkirah Tabaq̃at Tgk. On Mulek and his commentary: Copied and transliterated from Arabic-Malay to Latin]. Syiah Kuala University Press.
Djajadiningrat, R. H. (1984). Kesultanan Aceh (Suatu pembahasan tentang sejarah kesultanan Aceh berdasarkan bahan-bahan yang terdapat dalam karya Melayu) [Sultanate of Aceh (A discussion of the history of the sultanate of Aceh based on materials found in: Malay works)] (T. Hamid, Trans.). Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
Gallop, A. T. (2004). Ottoman influences in the seal of Sultan Alauddin Riayat Syah of Aceh (r.1589–1604). Indonesia and the Malay World, 32(93), 176–190.
Hasymy, A. (1977). 59 tahun Aceh merdeka di bawah pemerintahan ratu [59 years of independent Aceh under the reign of the queen]. Bulan Bintang.
Imawan, D. H. (2018a). Indonesian ulama and their academic and da’wa contribution in the Islamic world in the 19th century. Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (IJIIS), 1(2), 195–220.
Imawan, D. H. (2018b). The intellectual network of Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani and his contribution in grounding Islam in Indonesian archipelago at 18th century AD. Millah, 18(1), 31–50.
Ismail, M. H. B. (2018). Progression discourse in sufi’s notion according to Tok Pulau Manis. Qalbu Journal, 5(2), 26–58. http://localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/14101
Kurdi, M. (2013). Abdurrauf As-Singkili: Mufti besar Aceh pelopor tarekat Syattariah di Nusantara. Naskah Aceh (NASA).
Mahdini, M., Mahfuzh, T. W., & Afriansyah, A. (2021). Term أولياء dalam Al-Qur’an: Analisis karya tafsir di Indonesia abad ke- 17, 18, dan 19 M [Term أولياء in the Qur’an: Analysis of commentary works in Indonesia in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries AD]. Syams: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman, 2(1), Article 1.
Malik, M. P. A., & Hamid, F. @ A. F. A. (2022). Penulisan karya Melayu Islam klasik abad ke-17: Perbincangan karya-karya terpilih [17th century classical Malay-Islamic writing: A discussion of selected books]. Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 17(2), 181–192.
Meyer, V. (2019). Translating divinity: Punning and paradox in Hamzah Fansuri’s poetic Sufism. Indonesia and the Malay World, 47(139), 353–372.
Musyaffa. (2018). Pemikiran dan gerakan dakwah Syeikh Nuruddin Ar-Raniry [Sheikh Nuruddin Ar-Raniry’s thoughts and preaching movements]. Jurnal Ilmiah Syi’ar, 18(1), 72–90.
Nurdin AR. (2012). The manuscript collection of the Aceh museum. Indonesia and the Malay World, 40(116), 94–110.
Nurtawab, E. (2011). The problems of translation in Turjumān al-Mustafīd: A study of theological and eschatological aspects. Studia Islamika, 18(1), 33–65.
Rahayu, P. L. S. (2021). Strategi Sultanah Safiatuddin dalam memimpin pemerintahan Kesultanan Aceh Darussalam 1641-1675 M [Master thesis, IAIN Purwokerto].
Rozali, E. A. (2014). Aceh-Ottoman relation in Bustan al-Salatin. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(29), 93–100.
Salleh, R. M., Bakar, A. A., Abdullah, M. S. Y., Berhan, A. bin, Othman, S. H. bin, Halim, A. H. A., Ridzwan, Z., Kamal, R. A. B. M., & Ali, A. (2019). Crimes from the perspective of Shaykh Abdul Rauf bin Ali al-Fansuri al-Singkili in manuskrip Mir’at al-Tullab: A perfect introduction. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamic and Control Systems, 11(8 Special Issue), 233–239.
Shadiqin, I. (2009). Tasawuf Aceh [Aceh sufism]. Diandra Primamitra Media.
Shukri, A. S. M., & Arif, R. (2018). The role of Shaykh Abd al-Ra’uf al-Fansuri in the reconciliation of sufism and shari’ah of 17th century the Malay world. Al-Shajarah: Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 23(1), 207–245.
Steenbrink, K. (1995). Qur’ān interpretations of Hamzah Fansuri (CA. 1600) and Hamka (1908-1982): A comparison. Studia Islamika, 2(2), 73–95.
Sya’ban, A. G. (2017). Mahakarya Islam Nusantara: Kitab, naskah, manuskrip, dan korespondensi ulama Nusantara [Masterpieces of Nusantara Islam: Books, texts, manuscripts, and correspondence of Indonesian scholars]. Pustaka Compass.
Syadli Z.A., M. (2003). Pendidikan Islam di Kesultanan Aceh: Ulama, meunasah dan rangkang [Islamic education in the Sultanate of Aceh: Ulama, meunasah and rangkang]. Al Qalam, 20(96), 125–142.
van Bruinessen, M. (2012). Kitab kuning, pesantren dan tarekat [Kitab kuning, pesantren dan tarekat]. Gading Publishing.
Yusoff, Z., Mohd, H., Ali, A., Wok, E., Awang, N., & Omar, S. (2014). Tok Pulau Manis: Pioneer of Fiqh writings in the Malay Peninsular. Asian Social Science, 11(1), Article 1.
Zuboidi, H. (2018). Kepentingan Utsmani menjalin hubungan dengan Kerajaan Aceh Darussalam [Ottoman interests in establishing relations with the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam]. Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam, 1(2), 113–127.
Abdul Jalil, M. N., & Alias, M. (2020). Nur al-Din al-Raniri’s selected commentaries on other religions in the 17th century Malay world. Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 15(1), 147–155.
Abdullah, H. W. M. S. (2014, October 27). Tafsir Al-Baidhawi, terjemah Al-Quran Melayu yang pertama (Tarjuman al-Mustafid) [HTML]. Khazanah Fathaniyah.
Al-Mizjaji, A. al-K. bin A. bin al-Z. A. al-Zain. (1997). Nuzhah Riyadl al-Ijazah al-Mustathabah bi Dzikri Manaqib al-Masyayikh Ahli al-Riwayah wa al-Ishabah [Nozha Riyad Al-Ijazah, which is recommended by mentioning the virtues of the sheikhs, the people of narration and affliction]. Dar al-Fikr.
Al-Fadani, Y. (1990). Al-nafkhah al-miskiyyah fi al-asanid al-Makkiyah [The musky whiff in the Meccan chains of transmission]. Dar Basyair Islamiyah.
Al-Hasani, A. H. (1999). Al-I’lam biman fi tarikh al-Hindi min al-a’lam al-mutsamma bi nuzhah al-khawathir wa bahjah al-masami’ wa al-nawazhir. Dar Ibnu Hazm.
Al-Sinkili, A. (2009). Tanbih al-masyi al-mansub ila thariq al-Qusyasyi [Directions for the adepts of the brotherhood of al-Qusyasyi]. Padang.
Al-Sinkili, A. (2015). Mir’at al-thullab fi tashil ma’rifah al-ahkam al-syar’iyah li al-Malik al-Wahhab (M. Kurdi & J. Thaib, Trans.). Lembaga Naskah Aceh.
Al-Zirikli, K. (2002). Al-A’lam qamus tarajim li asyhar al-rijal wa al-nisa’ min al-’arab wa al-musta’ribin wa al-mustasyriqin. Dar Ilmi li Malayin.
Auliahadi, A., & Nofra, D. (2019). Tumbuh dan berkembangnya kerajaan-kerajaan Islam di Sumatera dan Jawa [The growth and development of Islamic kingdoms in Sumatra and Java]. Majalah Ilmiah Tabuah: Ta`limat, Budaya, Agama Dan Humaniora, 23(1), 35–46.
Auni, L. (1993). The decline of the Islamic empire of Aceh (1641-1699) [Master thesis, McGill University].
Azra, A. (2013). Jaringan ulama Timur Tengah dan Kepulauan Nusantara abad XVII & XVIII [Network of Middle East and Archipelago scholars in the XVII and XVIII centuries]. Prenada Media Grup.
Baqi, S. A., Aziz, M., & Windari, S. (2022). Pola kepemimpinan Sultanah Aceh dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan 1641-1699 M [The pattern of leadership of the Sultanah of Aceh in the development of science 1641-1699 M]. Journal of Islamic History, 2(1), 48–62.
Berhan, A., Bakar, A. A., Abdullah, M. S. Y., Othman, S. H., Salleh, R. M., Ridzwan, Z., Halim, A. H. A., Kamal, R. A. M., & Ali, A. (2019). Munākahāt (marriage) from the perspective Shaykh Abdul Rauf bin Ali al- Fansūri al-Singkīli in mushrip Mir’at al- Thullāb: One introduction. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamic and Control Systems, 11(8 Special Issue), 240–244.
Burhanudin, J. (2016). Pasang surut hubungan Aceh dan Turki Usmani: Perspektif sejarah [The ups and downs of the relationship between Aceh and the Ottoman Empire: A historical perspective]. Studia Islamika, 23(2), 373–389.
Bustamam-Ahmad, K. (2017). A study of Panglima La’ōt: An ‘adat institution in Aceh. Al-Jami’ah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 55(1), 155–188.
Christomy, T. (2001). Shaṭṭārīyah tradition on West Java: The case of Pamijahan. Studia Islamika, 8(2), 55–82.
Di Mulek, T., Daud, M. K., & Sakti, T. A. (2010). Qanun Meukuta Alam dalam syarah Tadhkirah Tabaq̃at Tgk. Di Mulek dan komentarnya: Disalin kembali dan dialihaksarakan dari Arab-Melayu ke Latin [Qanun Meukuta Alam in the syarah of Tadhkirah Tabaq̃at Tgk. On Mulek and his commentary: Copied and transliterated from Arabic-Malay to Latin]. Syiah Kuala University Press.
Djajadiningrat, R. H. (1984). Kesultanan Aceh (Suatu pembahasan tentang sejarah kesultanan Aceh berdasarkan bahan-bahan yang terdapat dalam karya Melayu) [Sultanate of Aceh (A discussion of the history of the sultanate of Aceh based on materials found in: Malay works)] (T. Hamid, Trans.). Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
Gallop, A. T. (2004). Ottoman influences in the seal of Sultan Alauddin Riayat Syah of Aceh (r.1589–1604). Indonesia and the Malay World, 32(93), 176–190.
Hasymy, A. (1977). 59 tahun Aceh merdeka di bawah pemerintahan ratu [59 years of independent Aceh under the reign of the queen]. Bulan Bintang.
Imawan, D. H. (2018a). Indonesian ulama and their academic and da’wa contribution in the Islamic world in the 19th century. Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (IJIIS), 1(2), 195–220.
Imawan, D. H. (2018b). The intellectual network of Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani and his contribution in grounding Islam in Indonesian archipelago at 18th century AD. Millah, 18(1), 31–50.
Ismail, M. H. B. (2018). Progression discourse in sufi’s notion according to Tok Pulau Manis. Qalbu Journal, 5(2), 26–58. http://localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/14101
Kurdi, M. (2013). Abdurrauf As-Singkili: Mufti besar Aceh pelopor tarekat Syattariah di Nusantara. Naskah Aceh (NASA).
Mahdini, M., Mahfuzh, T. W., & Afriansyah, A. (2021). Term أولياء dalam Al-Qur’an: Analisis karya tafsir di Indonesia abad ke- 17, 18, dan 19 M [Term أولياء in the Qur’an: Analysis of commentary works in Indonesia in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries AD]. Syams: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman, 2(1), Article 1.
Malik, M. P. A., & Hamid, F. @ A. F. A. (2022). Penulisan karya Melayu Islam klasik abad ke-17: Perbincangan karya-karya terpilih [17th century classical Malay-Islamic writing: A discussion of selected books]. Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 17(2), 181–192.
Meyer, V. (2019). Translating divinity: Punning and paradox in Hamzah Fansuri’s poetic Sufism. Indonesia and the Malay World, 47(139), 353–372.
Musyaffa. (2018). Pemikiran dan gerakan dakwah Syeikh Nuruddin Ar-Raniry [Sheikh Nuruddin Ar-Raniry’s thoughts and preaching movements]. Jurnal Ilmiah Syi’ar, 18(1), 72–90.
Nurdin AR. (2012). The manuscript collection of the Aceh museum. Indonesia and the Malay World, 40(116), 94–110.
Nurtawab, E. (2011). The problems of translation in Turjumān al-Mustafīd: A study of theological and eschatological aspects. Studia Islamika, 18(1), 33–65.
Rahayu, P. L. S. (2021). Strategi Sultanah Safiatuddin dalam memimpin pemerintahan Kesultanan Aceh Darussalam 1641-1675 M [Master thesis, IAIN Purwokerto].
Rozali, E. A. (2014). Aceh-Ottoman relation in Bustan al-Salatin. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(29), 93–100.
Salleh, R. M., Bakar, A. A., Abdullah, M. S. Y., Berhan, A. bin, Othman, S. H. bin, Halim, A. H. A., Ridzwan, Z., Kamal, R. A. B. M., & Ali, A. (2019). Crimes from the perspective of Shaykh Abdul Rauf bin Ali al-Fansuri al-Singkili in manuskrip Mir’at al-Tullab: A perfect introduction. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamic and Control Systems, 11(8 Special Issue), 233–239.
Shadiqin, I. (2009). Tasawuf Aceh [Aceh sufism]. Diandra Primamitra Media.
Shukri, A. S. M., & Arif, R. (2018). The role of Shaykh Abd al-Ra’uf al-Fansuri in the reconciliation of sufism and shari’ah of 17th century the Malay world. Al-Shajarah: Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 23(1), 207–245.
Steenbrink, K. (1995). Qur’ān interpretations of Hamzah Fansuri (CA. 1600) and Hamka (1908-1982): A comparison. Studia Islamika, 2(2), 73–95.
Sya’ban, A. G. (2017). Mahakarya Islam Nusantara: Kitab, naskah, manuskrip, dan korespondensi ulama Nusantara [Masterpieces of Nusantara Islam: Books, texts, manuscripts, and correspondence of Indonesian scholars]. Pustaka Compass.
Syadli Z.A., M. (2003). Pendidikan Islam di Kesultanan Aceh: Ulama, meunasah dan rangkang [Islamic education in the Sultanate of Aceh: Ulama, meunasah and rangkang]. Al Qalam, 20(96), 125–142.
van Bruinessen, M. (2012). Kitab kuning, pesantren dan tarekat [Kitab kuning, pesantren dan tarekat]. Gading Publishing.
Yusoff, Z., Mohd, H., Ali, A., Wok, E., Awang, N., & Omar, S. (2014). Tok Pulau Manis: Pioneer of Fiqh writings in the Malay Peninsular. Asian Social Science, 11(1), Article 1.
Zuboidi, H. (2018). Kepentingan Utsmani menjalin hubungan dengan Kerajaan Aceh Darussalam [Ottoman interests in establishing relations with the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam]. Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam, 1(2), 113–127.