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Entering the third millenium, the Indonesian government is carrying out autonomy and decentralization programs. The aim of these sudden programs is creating more realistic and just situation. However, the situations are getting worse as ethnic cleansing, misused of power, and separatist movements are becoming daily realities. This is due to the fact that since the fifties the Indonesian central government gradually pays little attention to the education and health programs. Moreover, the central government has no serious attempts to create the real middle class and private sectors in addition to carrying the rule of the law. Through this limited available space, this article tries to highlight the first core for the successful autonomy and decentralization by providing good education, based upon science and revelation, for the Indonesians as a whole, especially for the young generation.

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Author Biography

Husain Haikal

Husain Haikal, lahir di Semarang, pada 9 September 1944. Jenjang S-1IKIP (1969), pada tahun 1974 studi di LPPD (Lembaga Pendidikan Post Doktoral) IKIP Bandung, Mendapat beasiswa PuUbright untuk belajar di Duquesne Universit)', dan setelah meraih MA mendapat beasiswa dari USAID untuk melanjutkan program Ph.D. di University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA, sebelum berhasil meraih gelar Dr. di Universiias Indonesia. Aktif menyajikan makalah dalam berbagai seminar di dalam dan luar negeri, dan menulis dalam berbagai surat kabar, majalah, dan jumal baik yang di dalam maupun luar negeri. Pernah mengajar di Fakultas Adab IAIN Sunan Kalijaga dan PT swasta di Yogya, Wales, serta Purworejo. Pada tahun 1991-1996 pernah menjadi dosen tamu di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dan Universiti Sains Malaysia. Saat ini selain sebagai profesor di FIS dan PPs UNY, beliau menjabat sebagai Kaprodi Sejarah, serta staf redaksi Cakrawala Pendidikan dan MILLAH.

How to Cite
Haikal, H. (2001). Otonomi dan Desentralisasi Berteraskan Ilmu dan Wahyu. Millah: Journal of Religious Studies, 1(1), 22–40.