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The political decision of government of the decentralization policy through the Act No. 22,1999, is one of the fundamental political decision. The implications of the decision give vast impact on territories and the central government. Generally, all of the society components accept with pleasure the decision because it is the democracy gate for the democracy on all of aspects. This era is described as the economical democracy era. The resource of territory will be used optimally by the people. From this is where the economics distribution is going to move.

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Author Biography

Yusdani Yusdani

Yusdani, Lahir di Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumatera Selatan tanggal 11 November 1962. S-1 di IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Fakultas Syaii'ah dan S-2 nya di IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Jurusan; Islamic Studies. Sejak tahim 1992 menjadi dosen tetap pada Fakultas Syari'ah (sekarang Fakultas Ilmu Agama Islam) UII Yogyakarta. Karya tulis beliau berupa buku antara lain Peranan Kepentingan Umum dalam Reaktualisasi; Kajian Konsep hukum Islam Najamuddin At Tufi (2000) dan Konfigurasi Pemikiran Hukum Islam (1999) bersama Amir Mu'ialim. Sejak Maret 1999 menjabat Ketua Bidang Akademik, dan Kemahasiswaan program Magister Smdi Islam (S-2) UII.

How to Cite
Yusdani, Y. (2016). Jaminan Kepentingan rakyat dan Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah. Millah: Journal of Religious Studies, 1(1), 70–79.