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Asian Journal of Media and Communication

E-ISSN: 2579-6119, P-ISSN: 2579-6100

1. Please refer carefully to this style sheet when preparing your paper.
2. The manuscript should be no less than 4000 words and no more than 7500 words,       including abstract, tables, references, and figures.
3. Please indicate an email address and affiliation for each author.
4. Please supply a short biographical note for each author (no more than 100 words).
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6. Please be sure to obtain written permission to use third-party material for which others own the copyright.
7. Read the manuscript process carefully to understand the publishing step of your work.
8. The Author has submitted an Originality Statement of the manuscript in the submission as provided in the Originality Statement


1. General
✓ Please refer carefully to this style sheet when preparing your paper.
✓ The manuscript should be no less than 4000 words and no more than 7500 words,
including abstract, tables, references, and figures.
✓ Please indicate an email address, phone number (preceded with country number) and
affiliation for each author.
✓ Please supply a short biographical note for each author (no more than 100 words).
✓ Please feel free to supply your ORCID ID (http://orcid.org).
✓ Please be sure to obtain written permission to use third-party material for which others
own the copyright.
✓ Please kindly also submit the submitted originality statement of the manuscript in the submission as provided in the Originality Statement

2. Publication Ethics
✓ Authors must certify that their manuscripts are their original work.
✓ Authors must certify that the manuscript has not previously been published elsewhere
and is not currently considered for publication elsewhere.
✓ All authors mentioned in the paper must have significantly contributed to the research.
✓ Authors must state that all data in the paper are real and authentic.
✓ Authors must obtain written permission to reuse third-party material in the article.
✓ Authors must notify the editors of any conflicts of interest.

3. Headings and Numberings
✓ Please make no more than two levels of heading following numbering system:
1 First-level heading
1.1 Second-level heading
✓ Capitalize only the first letter of the first word and proper nouns and adjectives.
✓ Please ensure that all sections, subsections, tables, and figures are numbered consecutively.

4. Structure

Article Title
First Author
Institution and address
Author’s email address
Author’s ORCID ID
Second Author
Institution and address
Author’s email address
Author’s ORCID ID

Write abstract in one paragraph (150-250 words) consisting of purposes, methods, results, and
Keyword: Consists of 3 to 6 keywords, not necessarily single words.

The introduction includes backgrounds, purposes, questions, hypotheses (if any),
contributions, and literature reviews. The literature review should consist of the novelty of
the research and the applied concepts or theoretical frameworks.
The division of subtitles in a conceptual article, which is not based on empirical research,
does not have to follow this structure. Still, it should begin with an ‘Introduction’ and end
with a ‘Conclusion’.

This part describes the methods that have been used in the study, including approach,
material, tool, time and location, sample and population, informant selection, data collection,
and data analysis.

Results and discussions
This part consists of empirical results and theoretical discussions, which are not necessarily
separated into two subtitles. It is preferred that empirical findings and theoretical discussions
are mixed under some subtitles, which are organized based on topics and subtopics.

This part should briefly state the principal results, major conclusions, and recommendations for future studies. It could also mention the social, cultural, or political implications of the
study. Do not add any new ideas or discussions here.

This part briefly mentions the funding and grant-awarding bodies, and other parties should
be noted for their contributions during the research or writing processes.

Biographical note
Please supply a short biographical note for each author (no more than 100 words).

Please refer to the reference system as explained in this style sheet.
Please check the references carefully to ensure that all works cited in the text are listed in the
reference section and vice versa. Do not list any works that are not cited.

5. Quotations
✓ Always give the page number(s) for quotations.
✓ Short quotations (fewer than 60 words) should run on in the text and be enclosed in
double quotation marks.
✓ Longer quotations should appear as a separate block and should not be enclosed in
quotation marks. The citation to the source should be placed at the end of the quote
following the punctuation.
✓ A translation should follow all quotations in languages other than English in square

6. Citations
✓ One author: (Latour, 1993) or Latour (1993).
✓ Two authors: (Lotman & Uspensky,1978) or Lotman and Uspensky (1978).
✓ Three or more authors: (Lindstrom et al., 2013) or Lindstrom et al. (2013).
✓ Several works in one citation: (Oliver-Smith, 1996; Ingold, 2000; Kohn, 2013).
✓ Page number(s) for quotations: (Maran, 2020: 9-11), Latour (1993: 109-110).
✓ Citations of more than one work by the same author published in the same year should be
differentiated: (Maran, 2017a), Maran (2017b).
✓ Do not use: op cit., loc cit., or ibid.

7. Tables and Figures
✓ Tables should present new information rather than duplicating what is already in the text.

Please supply editable files.
✓ Graphs, drawings, and photographs should be labeled as “Figures”.
✓ Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript.
✓ Table captions should appear directly above the table; figure captions should appear
directly below the figure.
✓ Photographs and scanned images should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Please
also supply figures as separate files (JEPG, TIFF).

8. References
✓ All works cited in the text must be listed in the reference section. Do not list any works
that are not cited.
✓ Please make the entries alphabetically by the last name of the author.
✓ Please list all authors and/or editors (two to five authors), do not use ‘et al.’. Use ‘et al.’ if
more than five authors and/or editors.
✓ Names with particles (e.g., von, van den) should be alphabetized by the individual’s
personal preference or traditional usage.
✓ A single-author entry precedes a multi-author entry that begins with the same name.
✓ The same author or editor’s reference entries for multiple works should be listed
chronologically (the oldest first).
✓ The list should show the full title and subtitle of each work.
✓ The journal or edited work entries should include page numbers.
✓ Translate titles in languages other than English.
✓ Do not use dashes to replace repeated author/editor names.

Book (one author):
Latour, B. (1993). We have never been modern. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Book (more than one authors):
Selg, P., & Ventsel, A. (2020). Introducing relational political analysis: Political semiotics as a
theory and method. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Edited book:
Mauch, C., & Pfister, C. (eds.). (2009). Natural disasters, cultural responses: Case studies
toward a global environmental history. Lanham: Lexington Books.

Contribution in an edited work:
Rowlands, M., & Tilley, C. (2006). Monuments and memorials. In C. Tilley, W. Keane, S.
Kuchler, M. Rowlands, & P. Spyer (eds.), Handbook of material culture (pp. 500-515).
London: Sage Publication.

Book translated:
Lotman, J. (2019). Culture, memory and history: Essays in cultural semiotics. B.J. Baer (trans.).
London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Journal (one author):
Lotman, J. (2005). On the semiosphere. Sign Systems Studies, 33(1), 205-229.

Journal (more than one author):
Maran, T., & Kull, K. (2014). Ecosemiotics: Main principles and current developments.
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 96(1): 41-50. doi: 10.1111/geob.12035.

Conference paper:
Nazaruddin, M. (2020). Post-disaster landscape and cultural transformations: Ecosemiotic
analysis of post-2010 eruption of Mt. Merapi. Paper presented at the International Conference
on Building Resilience (ICBR), Bali, January 13-15.

Lindstrom, K. (2011). Delineating landscape semiotics: Towards the semiotic study of
landscape processes. Tartu: University of Tartu dissertation.

Translated title:
Pranowo, H. A. (1985). Manusia dan hutan: Proses perubahan ekologi di lereng Gunung
Merapi (Human and forest: Ecological changes on the slopes of Mt. Merapi). Yogyakarta:
Gadjah Mada University Press.

Newspaper and magazine:
Williamson, L. (2009, February 23). Tsunami Museum opens in Indonesia. BBC News.