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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration by another journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format. If you are using Office 365, please convert the MS Word document to the lower version. Please ensure the manuscript already complies with the latest version of AJIE's template.
  • Please follow the reference style completely according to the IEEE's guidelines. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The manuscript should be submitted online (link) by the author(s).Please upload the manuscript, and if the authors had any additional files to support their manuscript, please include them in the submission system.

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Author Guidelines Manuscript

The author has the option of submitting the manuscript to AJIE in either Bahasa Indonesia or English. 

The manuscript must be an original research paper that is sufficient to make a new contribution to knowledge in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship, both from a scientific and technological point of view. Authors are asked to send their manuscripts electronically using the AJIE online submission procedures. The corresponding author must also provide a statement that the manuscript is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Editors will ignore submissions that do not follow the procedures.


Title : The title must be clear and informative, and not longer than 14 words. A good title is one that reflects the findings of the proposed study.

Author’s name and institution. The author’s name (without an academic degree) must be followed by the author's institution and email for correspondence. For multiple authors, one of the authors must be identified as the corresponding author (follow the template’s instructions).

Abstract and keywords. The number of words in the abstract must be between 100 and 300 words. An abstract must consist of background, research objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Keywords should consist of 3 to 5 words or phrases. Keywords should reflect important terms in the manuscript.

Introduction. The introduction section is written without subtitles and contains background information on the research, a review of relevant previous studies, and the objectives of the research. In addition, the most important part of the introduction must also show the significance and novelty of the research.

Literature Review (Optional) à The literature review consists of the previous studies that support the main motivation of this study.

Research Method. The methodology section describes the investigation and analysis procedures.

Results and Discussion. The Results and Discussion section can be divided into several sub-sections. This section should provide a brief description of the experimental results or observation/investigation and its interpretations. The authors should also compare their results obtained with other previous studies. This section also discusses the scientific findings, limitations of research, implications of research, and future research. The author should also explore the novelty or contribution of his research to knowledge in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship/economic aspects or related real-world constraints/aspects from both science and technology perspectives.

Conclusion. This section contains conclusions as well as suggestions. The conclusion must be the answer to the research problem. Suggestions must be logical and appropriate.

References. The References section lists the articles, books, or other types of publications that are referred to in the manuscript. Please use the APA style both for the citation and the list of references.

Format a please the latest AJIE format (template)

Table and Figure

  • Table and figure title must follow the numeric numbering system (Arabic numbering system). The title for table is placed at the top of the table while the title of figure is at the bottom of the figure.
  • Table and figure should include the source, if any.
  • Figure should be clear and use 300 DPI for the minimum resolution.


Anyone (individual/company/institution) who substantially contributes to the research must be acknowledged in the Acknowledgement Section. Acknowledgement is only written to those who have contributed substantially to the research.