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Hall opened the article with a critique to the classical tradition of mass communication research that looked at the communication process in a linear fashion, with a model of sender/message/receiver. This classical tradition was over concentrated on the message exchange level; excessively behavioristic, in the sense of looking at communication event as solely a stimulus and response phenomenon; and forgets the complexity of the structures that exist in the communication process itself. Hall then suggested a new understanding of the communication phenomenon, especially at the level of mass communication, which is later known as the ‘encoding/decoding perspective’, in accordance with the title of Hall’s article itself.

Article Details

Author Biography

Muzayin Nazaruddin, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Dosen Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia

How to Cite
Nazaruddin, M. (2016). The Television/Audience Complexities: More than Encoding/Decoding. Jurnal Komunikasi, 6(1), 73–78. Retrieved from