First author1)Second author 1) Third author 2)


 1) Institution name, Address of first author

2) Institution name, Address of second author

E-mail address of corresponding author




This writing format is used as an author's guide in writing articles in the JSTL. The author simply replaces the content in this writing format with articles to be published without the need to change the format of writing. Abstract consists of 150-300 words in a paragraph / paragraph consisting of research background, objectives, methods, results and discusion and keywords. If an article is written in Indonesian abstract must be written in two versions of Indonesian and English. As for articles written in English, simply write abstracts in English. Abstract comes with writing keywords (keywords) following abstract language.

Keywords: consists of 3-6 pieces of keywords arranged alphabetically




Introduction contains background of research, similar research that has been available in order to explain the position of current research (novelty) and research objectives to be achieved.


Contains a description of the materials and instruments used and the stages of the research process. Method must be written briefly and clearly, therefore it is possible to reproduce the method. When using the published method, it is required to write the quotation.

The systematics writing of Chapter 2 can be made separately, for example 2.1. Materials and methods, 2.2  Stages of Research, etc.


Contains a discussion of research results along with tables, figures, equations and other supporting data. The results are brief and clear. Show clear differences between the results of research with previous studies.


Chapter is written using UPPER CASE, bold, size 12 pt and sub chapter is written using Title Case, bold, size 12 pt.


Figurea (include relevant caption) and tables (including titles, description, footnotes) are placed together in the body text. Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided

3.2.1 Figures

Please follow the format below for figure and caption.


Figure 1. Model of Isoterm

3.2.2. Tabel

Please follow the format below for table.

Table 1. Physical properties of…






Crystallite diameter (nm)



Average pore diameter (nm)



Total pore volume (cm3 g-1)



                                           *sample A after adsorption process


The equation is written in the middle and numbered written in parentheses. The number is placed at the end of the right margin of the column. Writing equations by using MS Equation Editor.




Please use Harvard system for citation of a manuscript or literature. The literature sources listed in the description only consist of the author's name and the year of publication. Writing a quote consisting of one or two authors can be written as follows:

• Efforts to find better heat storage systems have been widely used, including the latent heat melting of PCM (Yanadoro and Matsuda, 1986).

• According to Sanyono (1990), .........

As for a quote consisting of three or more authors, it is written as follows: (Ryu et al., 1991).


Answering the purpose of research and should be written consisely, briefly and clearly.


Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do

not include them on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. List here those

individuals or instition who provided help during the research (e.g., providing financial support, language help, writing assistance or proof reading the article, etc.).


Citations in the text should be given in chronological order. Please ensure that every reference cited

in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Any reference exceptionally cited in the abstract must be given in full. Unpublished results and personal communications are not acceptable. References cited as 'in press' in the text implies that the item was accepted for publication; in this case DOI is compulsory. Is is strongly recommended to use references from recent sciencetific journals (last 5-10 years).


Garside, J., and Al-Dibouni, M.R., (1998), Velocity-Voidage Relationships for Fluidization in Solid-Liquid System, Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 16, pp, 206-214.

Hovmand, S., (1995), Fluidized Bed Drying, in A.S. Mujumdar (Ed.). Handbook of Industrial Drying, 2nd Ed., Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 195-248.

Molerus, O., (1993), Principles of Flow in Disperse Systems, 1st Ed., Chapman & Hall, London,  pp. 1 – 43.

Primack, H.S., (1983), Method of Stabilizing Polyvalent Metal Solutions, U.S. Patent No. 4,373,104.

Sasaki, K., Noparatnaraphorn, N., and Nagoi, S., (1991), Use of Photosynthetic Bacteria for The Production of SCP and Chemicals from Agro Industrial Waste, in Martin, AM (Ed.) Bioconversion of Waste to Industrial Product. Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp. 225-233.

Setyawan, H., (1996), Flow Patterns of Coal – Water Mixture in an Agitated Tank, Master Thesis, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.