Publication Ethics


Ethical Guidelines for Journal Publication

Articles published in the Jurnal Mahasiswa Komunikasi CANTRIK are the results of research work carried out earnestly, which respects research ethics and scientific publication. The Jurnal Mahasiswa Komunikasi CANTRIK is responsible for every scientific journal publication process based on ethical publication standards.


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 Revenue Sources

All funding for the publication of the Jurnal Mahasiswa Komunikasi CANTRIK is funded by the Department of Communications, Universitas Islam Indonesia. 


Jurnal Mahasiswa Komunikasi CANTRIK does not accept advertisements in any form.

Direct Marketing

Jurnal Mahasiswa Komunikasi CANTRIK will promote and publish to the public. In that context, we will always consider ethics and not harm other parties.


Some key responsibilities of a journal editor:

Managing the Editorial Process: Editors oversee the entire editorial process, from manuscript submission to publication. They coordinate with authors, reviewers, and the journal's editorial board to ensure a smooth and timely workflow.

Reviewing Manuscripts: Editors evaluate submitted manuscripts to determine their suitability for publication. They assess the relevance, originality, and quality of the research presented in the manuscript. Editors may also conduct an initial screening to verify compliance with the journal's guidelines and ethical standards.

 Peer Review Coordination: Editors manage the peer review process by assigning manuscripts to appropriate reviewers and ensuring timely completion of the review process. They may guide reviewers and make decisions based on their recommendations.

Editorial Decision Making: Editors decide to accept, reject, or revise manuscripts based on the reviews received. They weigh the reviewers' feedback, consider the manuscript's significance and suitability for the journal, and make informed decisions in consultation with the editorial board.

Ensuring Quality and Integrity: Editors uphold the journal's standards of quality and integrity. They ensure that the research published is rigorous, accurate, and adheres to ethical guidelines. Editors may also check for plagiarism, data fabrication, or other forms of misconduct and take appropriate action when necessary.

Collaborating with Authors: Editors may work closely with authors, providing feedback and suggestions to improve their manuscripts. They may guide authors in revising their work and help ensure clarity, organization, and adherence to the journal's style guidelines.

Staying Updated: Editors must stay abreast of the latest developments and trends in their field. They should be aware of emerging research topics, changes in publishing practices, and evolving ethical standards. This helps editors maintain the journal's relevance and ensure high-quality content.

 Editorial Board Management: Editors often work with an editorial board consisting of subject experts. They collaborate with board members, seek input on important decisions, and manage board meetings and communications.