Journal Description

Journal title: Review of Islamic Social Finance and Entrepreneurship
Journal initials: RISFE
ISSN:  2963-847X (online)
DOI prefix: 10.20885/RISFE by
Frequency: Published in March and September
Publisher: Center for Islamic Economics and Development Studies (CIEDS)- P3EI, Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Review of Islamic Social Finance and Entrepreneurship (RISFE) is an academic journal published by the Center for Islamic Economics and Development Studies (CIEDS)- P3EI, Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia. The journal is published twice a year on March and September, intended as a medium for information, communication, and dissemination of research results and scientific studies in the field of Islamic social finance and entrepreneurship. Islamic social finance and entrepreneurship is defined as sectors which have a dimension of social mission within the organization, consist of traditional Islamic philanthropic institutions—zakat, shadaqah and waqf, and non-profit organizations such as corporate social responsibility (CSR) and non-government organizations (NGOs), as well as contemporary Islamic microfinance institutions and other Islamic social enterprises. Social entrepreneurship is all about recognizing the social problems and achieving a social change by employing entrepreneurial principles, processes and operations. It is all about making a research and development in managing a social venture to attain the desired change. The main objective of Islamic social finance and entrepreneurship is to meet the needs of the poor and marginalized groups to be able to participate actively in the main economic system in a just and efficient way so that an inclusive economic system can be realized based on Islamic principles.

Implementation of New Policy on Generative AI Usage in RISFE


We are pleased to inform you that the Review of Islamic Social Finance and Entrepreneurship (RISFE) has implemented a new policy on the use of Generative AI and AI-based technologies. This policy aims to responsibly integrate technological advancements while upholding academic standards and ethical practices.

Volume 3 Issue 1, 2024
Volume 3, Number : 1
March 26, 2024

Volume 3 Issue 2, 2024

The author countries are coming from Indonesia, Iraq, Turkey, Nigeria, Malaysia, and Bahrain

Published: September 7, 2024

The impact of socio-cultural factors on entrepreneurial failure in Soran city

Ehsan Salih (1), Emdad Khaleel Mahmood (2), Zhian Bwrhan Mustafa (3), Samian Karim Ado (4), Rebar Maghdid Ahmad (5)
(1) Department of Business Management, faculty of Law, Political Science and Management, Soran University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq ,
(2) Department of Business Management, faculty of Law, Political Science and Management, Soran University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq ,
(3) Department of Business Management, faculty of Law, Political Science and Management, Soran University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq ,
(4) Department of Business Management, faculty of Law, Political Science and Management, Soran University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq ,
(5) Department of Business Management, faculty of Law, Political Science and Management, Soran University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Enhancing loyalty in Islamic hospitals: Exploring customer experience as mediating variables

Chamdan Purnama (1), Mirhamida Rahmah (2), Dinda Fatmah (3), Syaiful Hasani (4), Yusriyah Rahmah (5), Zakiyah Zulfa Rahmah (6), Sugeng Mulyono (7), Chairul Anam (8)
(1) Management Department, Faculty of Economics, School of Economics Al-Anwar, Mojokerto, Indonesia ,
(2) Management Department, Faculty of Economics, School of Economics Al-Anwar, Mojokerto, Indonesia ,
(3) Management Department, Faculty of Economics, School of Economics Al-Anwar, Mojokerto, Indonesia ,
(4) Management Science Doctoral Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, State Malang University, Malang, Indonesia ,
(5) Information Technology Department, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia ,
(6) Shariah Economic Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, State Islamic Religious Institute, Kediri, Indonesia ,
(7) Management Department, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Gajayana, Malang, Indonesia ,
(8) Management Department, Faculty of Economics, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mahardhika, Surabaya, Indonesia

Examining Gen Z's intention using halal toiletries: Theory of planned behavior and perceived risk

Listia Andani (1), Mayang Bundo (2), Arroyyan Ramly (3)
(1) Halal Quality Management Study Program, Siliwangi University, West Java, Indonesia ,
(2) Sharia Economics, Ar Risalah Islamic Economic Collage, West Sumatera, Indonesia ,
(3) Islamic Economics and Finance, İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye

Public entrepreneurship, municipal performance, and political capacity's moderating role in Niger state

Mohammed Ahmed (1), Mohammed-Bello Habiba Umar (2)
(1) Minna Small Tax Audit Division of the Federal Inland Revenue Service of Nigeria, Muazu Muhammad Road, Minna, Niger, State, Nigeria ,
(2) Department of Economics, Faculty of Management & Social Sciences, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria

Integration of productive waqf in Sharia insurance: Enhancing investment and life protection

Hisam Ahyani (1), Ending Solehudin (2), Naeli Mutmainah (3), Nurul Ilyana Muhd Adnan (4)
(1) Sharia Faculty, Institut Miftahul Huda Al Azhar, Kota Banjar, Indonesia ,
(2) Islamic Law Postgraduate Study Program, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia ,
(3) Research Centre for Sharia, Yayasan Assyaeroji, Kota Banjar, Indonesia ,
(4) Research Centre for Sharia, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia

A Bibliometric analysis of green sukuk literature

Syamsi Mustofa Singgih Prayogo (1), Aji Raditya (2), Adel Sarea (3)
(1) Master of Finance in Sustainable Finance Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia, Jawa Barat, Indonesia ,
(2) PhD Education Program, Faculty of Education, Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia, Jawa Barat, Indonesia and Mathematics Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia ,
(3) College Business and Finance, Ahlia University, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain

Innovation in Islamic finance: Review of organized banking Tawarruq

Muhammad Abdullah Dewaya (1)
(1) Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Selangor, Malaysia
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