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Makalah ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi hubungan antara integrasi supply chain (SC) dan supply chain risk management (SCRM) untuk meningkatkan kinerja operasional. Selanjutnya, peran mediasi yang dimainkan oleh SCRM antara integrasi SC dan kinerja operasional perusahaan diperiksa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan mebel di Jepara, Jawa Tengah. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 perusahaan. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan pendekatan non-probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, peneliti menentukan kriteria sampel dalam rangka pengumpulan informasi dari target spesifik menggunakan data dari 100 perusahaan yang memenuhi syarat tertentu yang akan ditetapkan menjadi sampel dalam penelitian. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa integrasi pemasok dan internal berpengaruh positif terhadap SCRM sedangkan integrasi pelanggan tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap SCRM. SCRM sendiri memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja operasional. Selain itu, SCRM memediasi hubungan antara integrasi internal dan pemasok dengan kinerja operasional tetapi SCRM tidak dapat memediasi hubungan antara integrasi pelanggan dengan kinerja operasional. Integrasi pemasok dapat memediasi hubungan antara integrasi internal dengan SCRM sedangkan integrasi pelanggan tidak dapat memediasi hubungan antara integrasi internal dengan SCRM. Makalah ini memberikan kontribusi untuk industri di bidang mebel dengan mengusulkan dan secara empiris menguji kerangka holistik yang menunjukkan efek integrasi SC pada SCRM, dan akibatnya pada hasil kinerja operasional perusahaan bidang mebel.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ica Atika Nurjanah, Siti Nursyamsiah

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Bode, C. and Wagner, S.M., 2015. Structural drivers of upstream supply chain complexity and the frequency of supply chain disruptions. Journal Operational Management. 36, pp. 215–228.
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Fabbe-Costes, N., and Jahre, M., 2008. Supply chain integration and performance: a review of the evidence. International Journal Logistic Management. 19(2), pp. 130–154.
Fan, H., Li, G., Sun, H., and Cheng, T., 2017. An information processing perspective on supply chain risk management: antecedents, mechanism, and consequences. International Journal Prod. Econ. 185, pp. 63–75.
Flynn, B.B., Huo, B., and Zhao, X., 2010., “The impact of supply chain integration on performance: a contingency and configuration approach”. Journal of Operations Management, 28(1), pp. 58-71. doi:10. 1016/j.jom.2009.06.001.
Frohlich, M.T. and Westbrook, R., 2001. “Arcs of Integration: An International Study of Supply Chain Strategies”. Journal of Operations Management, 19(2), pp. 185-200. Retrieved from
Ghozali, I. and Fuad., 2008. Structural Equation Modeling. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro.
Hallikas, J., Karvonen, I., Pulkkinen, U., Virolainen, V.-M., and Tuominen, M., 2004. Risk management processes in supplier networks. International Journal Production Economics. 90(1), pp. 47–58.
Handoko, T. Hani., 2010. Manajemen Produksi dan Operasi, Edisi Pertama. Yogyakarta: BPFE.
Haryato, E., 2004. Ragam Hias Kursi Kayu Tungal Jawa Tengah Abad ke 17-20. Tesis Program Studi Desain, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Bandung: ITB.
Huo, B., 2012. The impact of supply chain integration on company performance: an organizational capability perspective. Supply Chain Management: International Journal. 17(6), pp. 596–610.
Jajja, M. S. S., Chatha, K. A., and Farooq, S., 2018. Impact of supply chain risk on agility performance: Mediating role of supply chain integration. International Journal of Production Economics, 205, pp. 118–138. Retrieved from
Juttner, U., Peck, H., and Christopher, M., 2003. Supply chain risk management: outlining an agenda for future research. International Journal of Logistics Research & Applications, 6(4), pp. 197-210. Retrieved from
Kauppi, K., Longoni, A., Caniato, F., and Kuula, M., 2016. Managing country disruption risks and improving operational performance: risk management along integrated supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics, 182, pp. 484-495. Retrieved from
Kleindorfer, P.R., and Saad, G.H., 2005. Managing disruption risks in supply chains. Production Operational Management. 14(1), pp. 53–68.
Lambert, D.M., and Cooper, M.C., 2000 Issues in Supply Chain Management. Industrial Marketing Management, 29(1), pp. 65-83. Retrieved from
Lavastre, O., Gunasekaran, A., and Spalanzani, A., 2014. “Effect of firm characteristics, supplier relationships and techniques used on Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM): an empirical investigation on French industrial firms”. International Journal of Production Research, 52(11), pp. 3381–3403. Doi: 10.1080/00207543.2013.878057#.U9AFNLHZi4Q
Li, G., Fan, H., Lee, P.K.C., and Cheng, T.C.E., 2015. “Joint supply chain risk management: an agency and collaboration perspective”. International Journal of Production Economics, 164, pp. 83-94. doi:10. 1016/j.ijpe. 2015.02.021.
Manuj, I. and Mentzer, J. T., 2008. “Global Supply Chain Risk Management Strategies”. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 38, pp. 192-223. Retrieved from
Manuj, I., Esper, T.L., and Stank, T.P., 2014. “Supply Chain Risk Management Approaches under Different Conditions of Risk”. Journal of Business Logistics, 35(3), pp. 241-258. Retrieved from
Munir, M., Jajja, M. S. S., Chatha, K. A., and Farooq, S., 2020. “Supply chain risk management and operational performance: The enabling role of supply chain integration”. International Journal of Production Economics, 227, p. 107667. Retrieved from
Perrow, C., 1984. Normal Accidents: Living with High Risk Technologies. Princeton University Press, NJ.
Riley, J.M., Klein, R., Miller, J., and Sridharan, V., 2016. “How internal integration, information sharing, and training affect supply chain risk management capabilities”. International Journal Phys. Distribution Logistic Management. 46(10), pp. 953–980.
Ritchie, B. and Brindley, C., 2007. “Supply chain risk management and performance: a guiding framework for future development”. Intenational Journal Operations Production Management. 27(3), pp. 303–322.
Schoenherr, T. and Swink, M., 2012. “Revisiting the arcs of integration: Cross-validations and extensions”. Journal of Operations Management, 30(1–2), pp. 99–115. doi:10. 1016/j.jom.2011.09.001.
Swink, M., Narasimhan R., and Wang C., 2007. “Managing beyond the factory walls: Effects of four types of strategic integration on manufacturing plant performance”. Journal Operations Management., 25, pp. 148-164.
Terjesen, S., Patel, P.C., and Sanders, N.R., 2012. “Managing differentiation-integration duality in supply chain integration”. Decis. Sci. J. 43(2), pp. 303–339.
Thun, J.-H. and Hoenig, D., 2011. “An empirical analysis of supply chain risk management in the German automotive industry”. International Journal Production Economics. 131(1), pp. 242–249.
Wong, C.Y., Boon-Itt, S., and Wong, C.W., 2011. “The contingency effects of environmental uncertainty on the relationship between supply chain integration and operational performance”, Journal of Operations Management, 29(6), pp. 604-615.
Williams, B. D., Roh, J., Tokar, T., and Swink, M., 2013. “Leveraging supply chain visibility for responsiveness: The moderating role of internal integration”. Journal of Operations Management, 31(7-8), pp. 543–554. doi:10. 1016/j.jom .2013.09.003.
Zhao, X., Huo, B., Selen, W., and Yeung, J.H.Y., 2011. “The impact of internal integration and relationship commitment on external integration”. Journal Operations Management. 29 (1–2), pp. 17–32.
Zsidisin, G.A. and Smith, M.E., (2005). “Managing supply chain risk with early supplier involvement: a case study and research propositions”. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 41(4), pp. 44-57.