Citedness in Scopus

Updated August 20, 2024, 79 Citations in Scopus from 28 Documents in Asian Journal of Islamic Management.

  1. Riswandi, W. N, Sudarsono, H., Rahmi, A. N., & Hamza, A. (2022). The intention of the young Muslim generation to purchase halal cosmetics: Do religiosity and halal knowledge matter? Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 4(2), 150-162.
    Cited by:
    • Koc, F., Ozkan, B., Komodromos, M., Halil Efendioglu, I., & Baran, T. (2024). The effects of trust and religiosity on halal products purchase intention: indirect effect of attitude. EuroMed Journal of Business.


  1. Wirakurnia, A. B., Nuanmark, P., Sudarsono, H., & Ramadhana, A. (2022). Do religiosity, halal knowledge, and halal certification affect Muslim students’ intention to purchase halal packaged food? Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 3(2), 97–110.
    Cited by:
    • Setyadi, B., Helmi, S., & Santoso, A. (2024). Unraveling the influence of product advertising on consumer buying interest: exploring product knowledge, product quality, and mediation effects. Cogent Business & Management, 11(1).
    • Sudarsono, H., Ikawati, R., Azizah, S. N., Kurnia, A., & Nuanmark, P. (2023). Does “Halalness” Affect Young Muslims’ Intentions to Use the COVID-19 Vaccine?. Indonesian Journal of Halal Research, 5(1), 30-40.
    • Meldona, Soetjipto, B. E., Wardoyo, C., Hermawan, A., & Utaberta, N. (2023). Innovation capability and risk attitude mediate the effects of knowledge management and financial literacy on MSME performance. Journal of Social Economics Research, 10(4), 194–214.
    • Pambekti, G. T., Nugraha, S. S., & Yusfiarto, R. (2023). Muslim women switching intention to halal cosmetic: Push-pull-mooring model aplication. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 9(2), 337-360.
    • Soetjipto, B.E., Handayati, P., Hanurawan, F., Meldona, M., Rochayatun, S., & Bidin, R. (2023). Enhancing MSMEs performance through innovation: Evidence from East Java, Indonesia. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(3s), 124–145.


  1. Riofita, H., & Dimasadra, W. (2022). Strengthening social media capabilities to improve private Islamic higher education marketing performance. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 4(2), 110–125.
    Cited by:


  1. Rahmawati, A. A., & Aji, H. M. (2022). Factors affecting the purchase intention of non-certified halal Korean instant noodles. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 4(2) 96–109.
    Cited by:
    • Bhutto, M.Y., Rūtelionė, A. & Vienažindienė, M. (2024). Investigating EWOM and halal product knowledge on gen Z’s halal cosmetics purchase intentions in Pakistan. Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
    • Handani, N. D., & Kim, H.-S. (2023). Unlocking customer satisfaction of halal restaurant in South Korea through online review analysis. Environment and Social Psychology, 7(2), 19-37


  1. Riani, R., & Ikhwan, I. (2022). The impact of Covid-19 on the banking industry efficiency: Comparison between Indonesia and Malaysian banks. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 4(1), 43–58.
    Cited by:
    • Wijaya, B., Karsianto, W. S., & Nur, T. (2023). The impact of Covid-19 related news to stock performance on pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis: Study case in Indonesia’s finance sector and SRI-KEHATI index. E3S Web of Conferences, 426, 01042.
    • Al-Aradi, A., & AlBalooshi, S. (2023). Resilience of Islamic banks in Bahrain: A comparative study of the 2007 global financial crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic. 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Islamic Business and Finance (SIBF).
    • Ikhwan, I., & Riani, R. (2023). Stability of Islamic bank efficiency in Indonesia and Malaysia: Has Covid-19 made any difference? Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 9(3), 491–510.
    • Jaiyeoba, H. B., Oladokun, N. O., Haron, R., & Suleman, M. A. (2023). The impact of Covid-19 on the banking sector’s efficiency and growth trajectory. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 1-14.


  1. Mubarak, D., Mohd Shafiai, M. H., Wahid, H., & Anuar, A. (2022). Covid-19 impact on technology usage: An empirical evidence from Indonesia zakat institutions. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 4(1), 25–42.
    Cited by:
    • Kamal, S., Safarida, N. & Kassim, E.S. (2024). Investigating the role of fiqh zakat knowledge in moderating the behaviour of the Acehnese to pay zakat digitally. Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
    • Musari, K. (2023). Twinning the green transition and digitalization on the Islamic philanthropy institutions. Advances in Finance, Accounting, and Economics, 274–285.


  1. Husaeni, U. A., & Zakiah, s. (2022). Determinants of buying intention of halal products on private Islamic religious college lecturers in West Java. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 4(1), 59-71.
    Cited by:
    • Husaeni, U. A., & Ayoob, M. A. (2024). Determinants of Halal Business Practices in Muslim Minority Countries: Evidence from Finland. Indonesian Journal of Halal Research, 6(1), 38-47.


  1. Yanti, R., Febrianti, M. A., Qurtubi, & Sulistio, J. (2022). Halal blockchain: Bibliometric analysis for mapping research. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 4(1), 72–85.
    Cited by:
    • Yanti, R., Elquthb, J. N., Rachmadewi, I.P., Qurtubi, Q. (2024). Bibliometric study of association rule-market basket analysis, International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences (IJAAS), 13(2), 282-29
    • Agung, A. A. G., Yuniar, I., & Hendriyanto, R. (2024). Smart Contract and IPFS Decentralized Storage for Halal Certification Process. JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization, 8(1), 79-87.


  1. Majid, R., & Mawaddah, H. . (2022). FinTech and MSMEs: The role of product knowledge. Asian Journal of Islamic Management (AJIM), 4(1), 15–24.
    Cited by:
    • Majid, R. (2024). What drives prospective investors to support small and medium enterprises via Islamic securities crowdfunding? An empirical evidence from Indonesia. Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.


  1. Husin, M. M., Kamarudin, S., & Rizal, A. M. (2021). Food and beverage industry competitiveness and halal logistics: Perspective from small and medium enterprises in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 3(1), 1–10.
    Cited by:
    • Miraz, M. H. ., Jin, H. H. ., Salleh, N. M. ., Hossain, M. A. ., & Hasan, M. T. . (2024). What factors affect the adoption of cloud-based ERP in companies’ operations in Malaysia? . International Journal of Management and Sustainability, 13(3), 490–505.
    • Bryan Teoh Phern Chern, & Fauziah Sh. Ahmad. (2024). Evaluating the use of multi-sided platforms on the brand performance of Malaysian SME food outlets. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 40(1), 55–63.
    • Miraz, M. H., Saleheen, F., Ya’u, A., Mahmud, H., & Kabir, A. (2023). Halal logistic use behavior in Malaysia and UAE: The role of religious faith, image, trust, facilities, performance, and consumer satisfaction. 2023 International Conference on Digital Applications, Transformation & Economy (ICDATE).
    • Alhamudi, F., Elquthb, J. N., Qurtubi, & Rachmadewi, I. P. (2023). Analysis of competitiveness and halal logistics of small and medium industry in beverage. 2023 International Conference on Cyber Management and Engineering (CyMaEn).
    • Mad Ali, M. F. B., Ariffin, M. K. A. B. M., Mustapha, F. B., & Supeni, E. E. B. (2021). An unsupervised machine learning-based framework for transferring local factories into supply chain networks. Mathematics, 9(23), 3114.


  1. Nasution, Z. (2022). Sharia insurance efficiency in Indonesia and Malaysia using the stochastic frontier approach analysis. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 3(2) 123–136.
    Cited by:
    • Kholis, N., & Rakhmawati. (2022). Efficiency analysis of takaful companies’ performance using stochastic frontier analysis approach: A comparison between Southeast Asia and The Middle East regions. Millah: Journal of Religious Studies, 947–972.


  1. Nindiasari, A. D. (2021). Good corporate governance practices and voluntary disclosure in companies listed in the Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI). Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 3(1), 45–55.
    Cited by:
    • Alshabibi, B., Pria, S., & Hussainey, K. (2021). Audit committees and COVID-19-related disclosure tone: Evidence from Oman. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(12), 609.


  1. Agustiningsih, M. D., Savitrah, R. M., & Lestari, P. C. A. (2021). Indonesian young consumers’ intention to donate using sharia fintech. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 3(1), 34–44.
    Cited by:
    • Alkadi, R. S., & Abed, S. S. (2023). Consumer acceptance of fintech app payment services: A systematic literature review and future research agenda. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 18(4), 1838–1860.
    • Elsotouhy, M. M., Mobarak, A. M. A., Dakrory, M. I., Ghonim, M. A., & Khashan, M. A. (2023). Integrating ISS and SOR models to investigate the determinants of continuance intention toward using m-payment for donations (Sadaqah): The moderating role of Islamic religiosity. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 41(7), 1640–1670.
    • Rahmadia, S., Majid, M. S. Abd., Agustina, M., Nurdin, R., Riyaldi, M. H., & Sari, N. (2023). The use of Sharia fintech among gen Z: Does Sharia financial literacy play a role? 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Islamic Business and Finance (SIBF).
    • Febriandika, N. R., Rosyadi, I., & Raihanita, R. (2023). An empirical study on the Muslims’ intention to use digital waqf innovation. Journal of System and Management Sciences, 13(6).
    • Nurfadilah, D., Samidi, S., & Daryanto, W. M. (2023). Digital readiness of Islamic rural banks in Indonesia: Lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic. Cogent Business & Management, 10(3).
    • Mujiatun, S., Effendi, I., & Badawi, A. (2022). Sharia financial technology (Fintech) management model in Indonesia. Cuadernos de Economía, 45(128), 145-156.
    • Berakon, I., Mutmainah, L., Qoyum, A., & Aji, H. M. (2022). Muslim intention to participate in retail CWLS: the test of mediation and moderation effects. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 8, 17–52.
    • Alam, A., Tri Ratnasari, R., Mua’awanah, C., & Aribatul Hamidah, R. (2022). Generation Z perceptions in paying Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah using Fintech: A comparative study of Indonesia and Malaysia. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 19(2), 320–330.


  1. Aufi, F. (2021). Halal cosmetics and behavior of Muslim women in Indonesia: the study of antecedents and consequences. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 3(1), 11–22.
    Cited by:
    • Aji, H. M., Husin, M. M., Othman, A. K., Hidayat, A., & Wan Rashid, W. E. (2024). Religious-based ethics and buy-now-pay-later re-usage intention among Muslim consumers in Indonesia and Malaysia: a commitment-trust theory perspective. Cogent Business & Management, 11(1).
    • Savelli, E., Francioni, B., Curina, I., & Cioppi, M. (2024). Promoting access-based consumption practices through fashion renting: evidence from Italy. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 41(1), 61–77.
    • Irfany, M. I., Khairunnisa, Y., & Tieman, M. (2023). Factors influencing Muslim Generation Z consumers’ purchase intention of environmentally friendly halal cosmetic products. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 15(1), 221–243.
    • Al-Banna, H., & Jannah, S. M. (2022). The push, pull, and mooring effects toward switching intention to halal cosmetic products. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 14(9), 2149–2166.
    • Aji, H. M., & Muslichah, I. (2022). Is halal universal? The impact of self-expressive value on halal brand personality, brand tribalism, and loyalty: case of Islamic hospitals. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 14(4), 1146–1165.
    • Tazlia, I., Nurfadilah, D., & Pratama, S. (2023). Purchase intention of halal local beauty brand during covid-19: The role of influencers’ credibility and halal awareness. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 9(3), 397–418.


  1. Wajdi, M. F., Aji, H. M., & Muhammad, S. (2020). Factors affecting the intention to purchase halal cosmetics on Instagram: E-WOM and brand image. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 2(1), 1–11.
    Cited by:
    • Herzallah, D., Liébana-Cabanillas, F., & Muñoz-Leiva, F. (2024). Fashioning consumer choices: recommendation, motivation, and purchase intention toward Instagram commerce. A mediation analysis. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 1–13.
    • Kohler, E., Mogaji, E., & Erkan, İ. (2023). Save the trip to the store: Sustainable shopping, electronic word of mouth on instagram and the impact on cosmetic purchase intentions. Sustainability, 15(10), 8036.
    • Aji, H. M., & Muslichah, I. (2022). Is halal universal? The impact of self-expressive value on halal brand personality, brand tribalism, and loyalty: case of Islamic hospitals. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 14(4), 1146–1165.
    • Herzallah, D., Muñoz Leiva, F., & Liébana-Cabanillas, F. (2021). To buy or not to buy, that is the question: understanding the determinants of the urge to buy impulsively on Instagram Commerce. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 16(4), 477–493.


  1. Syahri, N. A., & Harjito, D. A. (2020). The effect of financing using the principle of profit-loss sharing on profitability level of commercial Islamic bank registered in Bank Indonesia. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 2(1), 46–58.
    Cited by:


  1. Angraini, D. P., Sudarsono, H., & Anindita, S. F. (2020). The influence of financial performance and macroeconomic on financing risk in Islamic banks. Asian Journal of Islamic Management (AJIM), (2), 138–152.
    Cited by:
    • Tulung, J. E., Sondakh, J. J., Wangke, S. J. C., & Posumah, R. F. K. (2024). Effects of capital ratio, quality of receivables, liquidity, and gearing ratio on profitability: A study financial institutions’ governance. Journal of Governance & Regulation, 13(3), 46–56.


  1. Riza, A. F., & Hafizi, M. R. (2019). Customers attitude toward Islamic mobile banking in Indonesia: Implementation of TAM. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 1(2), 75–84.
    Cited by:
    • Poungsuwan, C., Sukhawatthanakun, K., & Sanrach, R. (2024). Confirmatory factor analysis of the adaptation guidelines to technology disruption problems. International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management, 14(2), 139-158.
    • Riza, A.F. & Wijayanti, D.M. (2024). Strengthening a sustainable Islamic financial industry through digital banking, Journal of Islamic Marketing, ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
    • Gazi, M. A. I., Al Masud, A., Hossain, H., & bin S Senathirajah, A. R. (2024). An investigation on the behavioral intention of existing bank clients in a developing country to use mobile banking services. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development8(5), 3255.
    • Kumari, A., Garg, V., & Manna, R. (2023, January). Adoption of Fintech and mobile banking in Darbhanga, Bihar: An empirical analysis. In Presented at IIF International Research Conference and Award Summit.
    • Amiri, M., Hashemi-Tabatabaei, M., Keshavarz-Ghorabaee, M., Antucheviciene, J., Šaparauskas, J., & Keramatpanah, M. (2023). Evaluation of digital banking implementation indicators and models in the context of industry 4.0: A fuzzy group MCDM approach. Axioms, 12(6), 516.
    • Tio, F., Sanjaya, S., & Limantara, N. (2023). Analysis and evaluation of user interest factors on intention to use digital bank. International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech).
    • Jumbri, I.A., Mohamad Sharif, S., & Omar, Z. (2023). Penerimaan E-Dagang dalam kalangan usahawan asnaf di Melaka, Malaysia. Global Journal al Thaqafah, 13(1), 172–184.
    • Harahap, D., Afandi, A., & Siregar, T. M. (2023). The Islamic banking customers’ intention to use digital banking services: an Indonesian study. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 9(3), 533–558.
    • Pacheco Vieira, E., Vieira, B. M., & Pinto Borges, A. (2023). The role of social networks for decision-making about tourism destinations. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 18(1), 1.
    • Hanudin Amin, T. Ramayah, Dwi Suhartanto, Muhammad Ali, Dzuljastri Abdul Razak, & Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad. (2022). Investing in Islamic fixed deposit accounts: A technology acceptance model perspective. International Journal of Business and Society, 23(2), 786–801.
    • Warganegara, D. L., & Babolian Hendijani, R. (2022). Factors that drive actual purchasing of groceries through e-commerce platforms during Covid-19 in Indonesia. Sustainability, 14(6), 3235.
    • Chin, K. Y., Zakaria, Z., Purhanudin, N., & Pin, C. T. (2021). A paradigm of TAM model in SME P2P financing. International Journal of Economics & Management, 15(3), 397-414.


  1. Auliarahman, L., & Sumadi, S. (2020). The effect of social media marketing and religiosity on perceived value and student’s decision in choosing non-religious program at Islamic higher education. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 2(2), 82–95.
    Cited by:


  1. Divianjella, M., Muslichah, I., & Ariff, Z. H. A. (2020). Do religiosity and knowledge affect the attitude and intention to use halal cosmetic products? evidence from Indonesia. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 2(2), 71–81.
    Cited by:
    • Ibeabuchi, C., Ehido, A., Fawehinmi, O. & Aigbogun, O. (2024). Determinants of purchase intention towards halalcertified cosmetic products among nonMuslims. Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
    • Fiandari, Y.R., Shanty, B.M. & Nanda, M.D. (2024). The roles of word of mouth, religiosity and behavioral control toward halal cosmetics’ purchase intention: attitude as mediation. Journal of Islamic Marketing, ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
    • Aji, H. M., & Muslichah, I. (2022). Is halal universal? The impact of self-expressive value on halal brand personality, brand tribalism, and loyalty: case of Islamic hospitals. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 14(4), 1146–1165.
    • Sujibto, B. J., & M, F. (2023). Non-Muslim voices on halal certification: From sectoral-religious tendencies to state-mandated regulations. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 26(3), 258.
    • Herjanto, H., Amin, M., & Karmagatri, M. (2022). A systematic review on halal cosmetic consumption: application of theory method context – attributes decision outcome framework. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 14(1), 58–79.
    • Hendijani, R. B. (2023). The Jakarta male gaze: Masculinity and skincare preferences unveiled. Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics, 31(1), 1–32.
    • Sudarsono, H., Shidiqie, J. S. A., & Tumewang, Y. K. (2021). The impact of religiosity and knowledge on the intention of young Muslim generation toward halal tourism in Indonesia. Tourism and Hospitality Management, 27, 255–272.


  1. Sulistiyo, A. B., Wardayati, S. M., Hidayatullah, A., & Riesky, S. S. N. (2020). Effect of Islamic corporate governance on customer trust: Empirical study on Islamic bank. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 2(1), 12–24.
    Cited by:
    • Kachkar, O., & Yilmaz, M. K. (2022). How diverse are Shariah supervisory boards of Islamic banks? A global empirical survey. International Journal of Ethics and Systems, 39(2), 312–341.


  1. Rahman, T., & Fatmawati, K. (2020). The influence of financial ratios on non performing financing of the sharia rural banks of Special Region of Yogyakarta (BPRS DIY) period 2015 – 2018. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 2(1), 25–35.
    Cited by:
    • Sutrisno, S., Widarjono, A., & Mohamad, M. (2023). Does financing diversification improve bank risk? evidence from Indonesian Islamic rural banks. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 15(4), 103-124.


  1. Anggraeni, D., & Kholid, M. N. (2020). The influence of Islamic religiosity on e-book piracy: An accounting student perspective. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 2(2), 96–106.
    Cited by:
    • Sampene, A. K., Li, C., Wiredu, J., Agyeman, F. O., & Brenya, R. (2023). Examining the nexus between social cognition, biospheric values, moral norms, corporate environmental responsibility and pro-environmental behaviour. Does environmental knowledge matter? Current Psychology, 43(7), 6549–6569.
    • Salma, S. Y., & Aji, H. M. (2022). What drives Muslims to boycott French brands? The moderating role of brand judgement and counterargument. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 14(5), 1346–1368.


  1. Fadhilah, U. (2019). Religiosity and tax evasion: the application of theory of planned behavior. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 1(1), 66–73.
    Cited by:
    • Zaki, R. M., & Elseidi, R. I. (2023). Religiosity and purchase intention: An Islamic apparel brand personality perspective. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 15(2), 361–396.
    • Kaur, J., Bhardwaj, N., Fernandes, R., Vidya, V., & Farooqui, N. A. (2022). A meta-analytical study on the role of religiosity on purchase intention in the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 14(11), 2845–2870.


  1. Khibran, M. (2019). An investigation toward purchase intention of halal beef from traditional market: A TPB perspective. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 1(1), 1–12.
    Cited by:
    • Fiandari, Y.R., Shanty, B.M. & Nanda, M.D. (2024). The roles of word of mouth, religiosity and behavioral control toward halal cosmetics’ purchase intention: attitude as mediation. Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
    • Sudarsono, H., Ikawati, R., Azizah, S. N., Kurnia, A., & Nuanmark, P. (2023). Does “Halalness” Affect Young Muslims’ Intentions to Use the COVID-19 Vaccine?. Indonesian Journal of Halal Research, 5(1), 30-40.
    • Loussaief, A., Ying-Chao Lin, J., Phuc Dang, H., Bouslama, N., & Cheng, J. M.-S. (2023). Eating halal: a serial mediation model for the effect of religiosity on the intention to purchase halal-certified food. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 36(1), 167–184.
    • Sholihin, M., Shalihin, N., Ilhamiwati, M., & Hendrianto, H. (2022). Maqasid-based consumption intelligence: an empirical model of its application to the intention of halal purchase. International Journal of Ethics and Systems, 39(2), 402–431.
    • Sudarsono, H., & Nugrohowati, R. N. I. (2020). Determinants of the intention to consume halal food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7(10), 831–841.


  1. Syahierah, R., & Larasati, A. (2019). Does company size and profitability affect corporate social responsibility disclosure? Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 1(1), 38–50.
    Cited by:
    • Pratama, B. C., Kamaluddin, A., & Saad, S. (2022). Social performance of Islamic banks in South-East Asia: Is intellectual capital and sharia supervisory boards matters?. Quality-Access to Success, 23(186).


  1. Permataningayu, G., & Mahdaria, S. (2020). The effect of non-performing financing and financing to deposit ratio on Islamic banks financing in Indonesia. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 1(1), 28–37.
    Cited by:
    • Suyanto, S., Prasilowati, S. L., Safitri, J., & Jayadi, J. (2024). Analysis of banking credit distribution using the vector error correction model. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 5(2), 29–37.
    • Ahmed, S. A., Sayed, O. A.., & Ahmed, I. E. (2024). The bank lending behaviour: Does non-performing loans matter? Evidence from the top-ten banks in the Arab world. Asian Development Policy Review, 12(2), 100–110.


  1. Anggraini, M. (2019). Islamic banking development and economic growth: a case of Indonesia. Asian Journal of Islamic Management, 1(1), 51–65.
    Cited by:
    • Derradj, Y., Mekki, H., & Medjden, H. K. (2024). Impact of Islamic Finance on Economic Growth: Malaysian Experience. In Islamic Finance: New Trends in Law and Regulation (pp. 51-60). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
    • Djuwarsa, T., Kristianingsih, & Mauluddi, H. A. (2024). The role of Islamic banking financial intermediation on Indonesia’s economic growth. E3S Web of Conferences, 479, 07010.
    • Pal, T., Irfan, M., Bukhari, S. A. C., & Kassim, S. Bt. (2023). Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the Islamic capital market. Advances in Finance, Accounting, and Economics, 93–102.