Journal History

Center for Islamic Economics Studies and Development (Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Ekonomi Islam, P3EI) held an internal discussion of Islamic topics in the field of management in July 2019. The discussion, attended by Heri Sudarsono (Director of P3EI), the Research Director (Hendy Mustiko Aji), and the Development Director (Muamar Nur Khalid), concluded that studies and discussions on Islamic economics and finance have been extensively conducted by various parties. However, Islamic topics in management, such as marketing, human resource, operational, and financial management, remain scarce. The discussion agreed that there is a need for periodic media or journals to disseminate relevant research on Islamic management topics. This journal is expected to encourage researchers, academics, and practitioners to be more active in discovering new aspects of current issues in Islamic management.

To follow up on this plan, on October 10, 2019, P3EI held a workshop on the governance of international journals in the fields of economics and Islamic studies at Hotel Grand Zuri Maliboro, facilitated by Dr. Khoirun Niam, the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Indonesian Islam. In the workshop, an internal meeting was held between P3EI management and Dr. Khoirun Niam to discuss the plan for publishing in the Journal of Islamic Management. For this purpose, the P3EI team sought input from the Islamic Management Journal, including issues such as the name, publication systematics, and development plans. From the meeting, the name "Asian Journal of Islamic Management" (AJIM) was agreed upon, as it meets the criteria of being unique, specific, and elegant.

Subsequently, preparations were made for the journal's design, including the management system, review process, and publication regulations. The P3EI team used the editorial management guidelines from RISTEK-BRIN as a reference. However, in preparing the paper template, references were drawn from journals published by Emerald, while editorial and review processes referred to journals published by MDPI and Business Perspectives. To draft the aims and scope, AJIM referred to several papers, including:

  • Ghazali, E. & Mutum, D.S. (2016). Islamic marketing: Compatibility with contemporary themes in marketing, Mutum, D.S., Butt, M.M. and Rashid, M. (Ed.) Advances in Islamic Finance, Marketing, and Management, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 213-222.
  • Floren, J., Rasul, T. & Gani, A. (2020), Islamic marketing and consumer behaviour: a systematic literature review, Journal of Islamic Marketing, (6), 1557-1578.
  • Habib Rana, M. & Shaukat Malik, M. (2016), Human resource management from an Islamic perspective: a contemporary literature review", International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, (1), 109-124.
  • Abdul Ghani Azmi, I. (2015), Islamic human resource practices and organizational performance: Some findings in a developing country, Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research (1), 2-18.
  • Tijjani, B., Ashiq, M., Siddique, N., Khan, M.A. and Rasul, A. (2021), A bibliometric analysis of quality research papers in Islamic finance: Evidence from Web of Science, ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, (1), 84-101.

For the operation of AJIM's business process, AJIM management, namely, Hendy Mustiko Aji (Scopus ID: 57205610658) as the editor-in-chief and Istyakara Muslichah (Scopus ID: 57195759032) as the managing editor, were appointed. The editor-in-chief and managing editor were responsible for assembling the editor board and reviewer board of AJIM, which consisted of members from five different countries with experience in writing reputable international journals. Additionally, AJIM Management immediately prepared a call for papers for the inaugural edition, targeting the publication of six papers in December 2019. However, due to business process obstacles, AJIM's first issue, Volume 1, No. 1, was published on January 24, 2020, containing six papers. These papers included:

  1. An investigation toward purchase intention of halal beef from traditional market: A TPB perspective, by Mohammad Khibran from the Department of Customer Support, Unit Sorable, PT. Sale Stock.
  2. Advertisement and the extrinsic cues toward buying attitude: Case of Wardah halal cosmetics, by Dara Anggun Puspita Dewi and Guruh Ghifar Zalzalah, from the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and the Asean Business Institute, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  3. The effect of non-performing financing and financing to deposit ratio on Islamic banks financing in Indonesia, by Gupita Permataningayu and Siti Mahdaria, from the Master of Literature, Gajah Mada University, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and the Asean Business Institute, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  4. Does company size and profitability affect corporate social responsibility disclosure?, by Rukaanisy Syahierah and Ashilla Larasati, from the Faculty of Economics, Islamic University of Indonesia, Indonesia, and Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands.
  5. Islamic banking development and economic growth: a case of Indonesia, by Meri Anggraini, from PT. Telkom Indonesia.
  6. Religiosity and tax evasion: the application of theory of planned behavior, by Ummi Fadhilah, from the Department of Finance, Accounting and Tax, PT. Drife Solusi Integerasi.

The next step involved AJIM applying for ISSN, with E-ISSN obtained on Monday, May 18, 2020, and P-ISSN obtained on Tuesday, October 13, 2020. After obtaining the ISSN, AJIM registered with several international indexes, such as DOAJ, RISFE, EBSCO, and ProQUEST. On May 31, 2021, AJIM was indexed in DOAJ, and in the same year, it gained indexing in COPERNICUS, REPEC, BASE, and several other indexes. In 2021, due to the policy change by the UII rector regarding OJS in the UII's journal environment, AJIM transitioned from using OJS 2 to OJS 3. OJS 3 offers better facilities than OJS 2, providing AJIM with the opportunity to continuously improve. This gradual improvement was an effort to realize AJIM's vision of becoming a journal that is on par with reputable international journals.