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Each legal system has its own theory of statutory formation, both countries that apply civil law and common law legal systems. The tendency to form laws in Indonesia after the realization of the need for regulatory reform has resulted in a growing awareness of making breakthroughs by using the omnibus method which is generally applicable in countries that apply the common law system. The question is whether this method is suitable to be adopted into the legal system of Indonesia? This article intends to examine the compatibility of the omnibus method and the solutions that need to be used to overcome its compatibility problems. This research concludes that if Indonesia is to adopt the omnibus method, it also requires a consolidation method before and after the enactment of legislation with the omnibus method, this is intended to consolidate it with the affected legislation.


Omnibus method statutory formation compatibility

Article Details

Author Biography

Ibnu Sina Chandranegara, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Associate Professor Faculty of Law University of Gadjah Mada, Vice Dean Faculty of Law University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Managing Partner of Chandranegara & Prasetya: Solicitor, Counsellor, & Attorney at Law, Secretary of Law and Human Right Assembly Central Board of Muhammadiyah, Member Association of Constitutional and Administrative Law Instructor, Member Association of Constitutional Court Procedure Instructor, Member of Asociation of Indonesia Advocate. 
How to Cite
Chandranegara, I. S. (2020). Kompabilitas Penggunaan Metode Omnibus Dalam Pembentukan Undang-Undang. Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM, 27(2), 241–263.


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