Journal Description

Journal title: International Journal of Halal Industry
Journal initials: IJHI
ISSN:  XXXXXXX (online)
DOI prefix: 10.20885/IJHI by
Frequency: Published in April and October
Publisher: Center for Islamic Economics and Development Studies (CIEDS)- P3EI, Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia

The International Journal of Halal Industry (IJHI) is an academic journal published by the Center for Islamic Economics and Development Studies (CIEDS)- P3EI, Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia. The journal is is a scholarly publication dedicated to advancing research, literature reviews, and conceptual studies on the development, regulation, and innovation within the halal industry. The journal's scope encompasses various critical areas, including technological advancements and innovations in halal industries, regulatory frameworks and Shariah compliance, halal marketing and business strategies, economic and social analyses of the halal sector, education and training in halal industries, and the development of global halal standards. IJHI aims to provide a platform for academics, practitioners, and policymakers to contribute to the growing body of knowledge that supports the sustainable development of the global halal ecosystem.

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