Every journey must be started with a good beginning. A beginning in a long journey of die science of English Education, Language and Literature has been started since long time ago. It is in our own hands we will decide our destiny, "Will this journey become good or not in the future?
The Journal we presented in this edition is part of that good begining. We hope by this Journal, we can share the development and the progress of science of English Education, Language and Literature. We want to share it because science is not to be kept alone, but it must be spread to others. Sience always progress, so we hope this Journal will have the same spirit, which is progressive. It is also a mean for any writiers to empower their ability and make their thought understood.
This is the face of "Journal of English and Education" Islamic University of Indonesia Vol 1 No 1. Please do explore the English and Education, Language and Literature we have presented. Sugestions, critics and any other comments which can make yhe journal better will always be accepted with arms wide open.
Published: July 31, 2007