Vol. 10 No.1 (2024): VOLUME 10 NO 1 MAY 2024

This edition published five articles written by ten authors from two countries (Indonesia and Australia).

Published: May 31, 2024

Vol. 9 No. 2 (2023): VOLUME 9 NO 2 NOVEMBER 2023

This second edition published five articles written by seven authors from two countries (Indonesia and Thailand).

Published: November 30, 2023

Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): VOLUME 9 NO 1 MAY 2023

This edition published five articles written by six authors from two countries (Indonesia and Thailand).

Published: May 31, 2023

Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): VOLUME 8 NO 2 NOVEMBER 2022

This second edition published five articles written by nine authors from two countries (Indonesia and United Kingdom).

Published: November 30, 2022

Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): VOLUME 8 NO 1 MAY 2022

This edition remarked as the reborn of Journal of English and Education (JEE) and published five articles written by ten authors from two countries (Indonesia and Thailand).

Published: May 31, 2022

Vol. 7 No. 1 (2013): VOLUME 7 NO 1 JUNE 2013

We are pleased to bring you the seventh volume of Journal of English and Education (JEE). This June edition of 2013 marks the seventh year of JEE's publication. After these remarkable years, together we have seen a lot of developments and movements in the fields of English language and English education. Many brilliant minds, keen English language researchers as well as committed English language teachers and lecturers have captured those multifaceted dimensions of English language and English education which we care to share with you. As for this edition, we are privileged to present 8 papers which comprise broad and various issues in the field of English language teaching, Linguistics and Literature. Our upmost gratitude and appreciation goes to all of the contributors. Finally, we expect that all the insights and works included in this edition will especially enrich your knowledge and be beneficial for your professional growth. Any critics and constructive suggestions for the improvement of this journal are most welcomed.

Published: June 30, 2013

Vol. 6 No. 2 (2012): VOLUME 6 NO 2 DECEMBER 2012

Here we are at the end of 2012, the much talked about year. The year has seen so many happenings in the world, and so has in the field of English language studies and English education. Through this second edition of 2012 Journal of English and Education (JEE), we intend to share with you, yet again, many elaboration of teaching ideas and fruitful research findings in English language and education fields. This edition is a special one as we bring in more articles than usual. The articles presented are on a wide variety of topics, and one of them is an article encapsulating the growth and the changing status and recent use of English as International Language, also known as EIL. The multifaceted dimension of English language and English education captured in this edition is therefore worth explored!

In the end, our hope is to enrich our readers and encourage them to aspire for more growth in their professional venture in the field of English language and English education. We are also indebted to our contributors of this edition for their astounding support and contribution. We also hope that this journal could eventually reach more and wider audiences, English language and English education professionals in this country and around the globe whom are keen to share their insights with us and our JEE readers. The publication of this edition of JEE is not without flaws, thus any constructive critics and suggestions for the improvement of this journal are pleasantly welcomed.

Published: December 31, 2012

Vol. 4 No. 2 (2010): VOLUME 4 NO 2 DECEMBER 2010


Welcome to this edition of Journal of English and Education (JEE), December 2010. The production of this edition marks the fourth year of JEE's publication. It has not been long since we were around, and there is certainly plenty to learn and a lot more to do to constantly make necessary improvements upon this journal.

On behalf of the study program, the board of editors hope that the publication of JEE can become a valuable medium for English language lecturers, teachers, and professionals to share their prolific and insightful works.

For this eight edition of JEE, we are proud to present 8 papers comprising a wide range of issues related to English language teaching, the study of Linguistics, literature and culture. Therefore, we would like to extend our most sincere gratitude and appreciation to all of the contributors.

Last but not least, we hope that all of the papers included in this edition will especially help our readers broaden their view in their research endeavors and in their English language teaching. Suggestions, critics and constructive comments will be most welcomed.

Published: December 31, 2010

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2010): VOLUME 4 NO 1 JUNE 2010


Welcome to this edition of Journal of  English and Education (JEE), July2010.The production of this edition marks the fourth year of JEE's publication. It has not been long since we were around, and there is certainly plenty to learn and a lot more to do to constantly improve this journal.

On behalf of the study program, the board of editors hope that JEE can become a valuable medium for English language lecturers, teachers, and professionals to share their prolific and insightful works.

For this seventh edition of JEE, we are proud to present 9 papers comprising a wide range of issues related to English language teaching, the study of Linguistics, literature and culture. Therefore, we would like to extend our most sincere gratitude and appreciation to all of the contributors.

Last but not least, we hope that all the papers included in this edition will especially help our readers broaden their view in their English language teaching and research endeavors. Suggestions, critics and constructive comments will be most welcomed.

Published: June 30, 2010

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2009): VOLUME 3 NO 2 DECEMBER 2009


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the Most Beneficent, and the Most Merciful for His Blessings without which the English Study Program-Diploma HI, Islamic University of Indonesia would never be able to complete and-present this journal. As Editor-in-chief, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to all of my colleagues, who have contributed their thinking and academic papers to our Journal of English and Education(JEE). Without their good willingness to share, this volume will take longer than expected to be successfully published.

This edition of JEE presents 8 articles written in three fields: Linguistics (3 articles), English teaching (4 articles), and Translation (1 article) The3 articles of linguistics are contributed by A. Suwardi, T.M.A Kristianto, and Nizamuddin Sadiq. The 4 articles of English teaching are contributed by Silfi Sanda, Hasbullah, Puji Rahayu and Irma Windy Astuti, and Ani Pujiastuti. The only article of translation is contributed by Ista Maharsi.

Please do explore the articles in this edition, the Editor-in-chief hopes that those articles will bring benefits for our readers. Suggestions, critics, and any constructive comments for its betterment in the future will always be accepted with arms wide open. Hopefully, other articles will keep coming intently to the editors.

Published: December 31, 2009

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2009): VOLUME 3 NO 1 JUNE 2009


We contentedly present you the Journal of English and Education which is now in its third year. We are hopeful that our journey is getting better and better. The editor wishes that the journal will be beneficial to us all: those who are taking part in this journal and also our readers. We truly appreciate our colleagues who have contributed their papers and all of our readers for their critics and suggestion.

We know that life is not always at the top and so is the process of making this Journal. There're times when we were unsure and encountered difficulties, such as in collecting papers. Our journey also has its up and down moments, yet the important thing is that we are capable of learning from whatever we have gone through. Hence, we are truly grateful to all of the contributors for sending their papers to our Journal, and we continue to invite others who wish to share their articles through JEE.

At this point, we proudly introduce our fifth edition of JEE (Journal of English and Education). Please do explore something new and different, yet still in the core of English Education, Language and Literature. Suggestions, critics, and any constructive comments to better improve this journal will always be accepted.

Published: June 30, 2009

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2008): VOLUME 2 NO 2 DECEMBER 2008


We are very delighted to introduce you our fourth edition of Journal of English and Education. We appreciate the contributors for sending their papers to us, and remain enthusiastic to invite others to contribute their papers to our Journal.

Science in any fields always evolves, and so does in English Education, Language and  literature. Knowledge will be considered if it is (well) known. Thus, it is our job to help publish your brilliant ideas, thoughts and analysis in order for our readers to respond and gain more knowledge from them. Our aspiration and responsibility as a publisher is to make our Journal recognized worldwide. We are in the process of realizing it and we do hope to attain it soon.

This is our fourth edition of the JEE (Journal of English and Education). Please do explore the knowledge and the insight presented in this Journal. Suggestions, critics, and other constructive comments for the improvement of this Journal will always be accepted with arms wide open.

Published: December 31, 2008

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2008): VOLUME 2 NO 1 JUNE 2008


We would to thank you first to all our colleagues who have gave their contribution by sending their paper. We will also want to thank to our readers who gave inputs to us in the form of comments, suggestions and especially critics. This journal is far from perfect and therefore once again we invite our readers and our prospect writers to criticize us so we can become better from time to time.

There has been a lot interesting articles which we have published, but yet we still have difficulties in collecting them. We hope that the Journal of English and Education (JEE) can be acknowledge not only in Indonesia but also from overseas. We are now living in an era where people will be recognize if many people knows their work. As an academician, it is our duty to write and also publish our work so that we will be recognize not only in Indonesia but through out the world.

We introduce our third edition of JEE. Please do explore the English Education, Language and Literature we have presented. Suggestion, critics, and any other comments which can make this Journal better will always be accepted  with arms wide open.

Published: June 30, 2008

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2007): VOLUME 1 NO 2 DECEMBER 2007

Greetings !!!

We have start our journal and we hope the previous edition will open the way to a good journey. We appreciate all friends, colleague, and other readers for their critics and suggestion. The first edition really make us learn lote of thing. Like a baby, "We are learning to walk".

As we learn, we hope that our journal will improve from time to time. In this occasion we thank you all the contributors and we also invite other contributors to share the development and progress of the science of English Education, Language, and Literature. We will underline again the editorial from our first edition that science always progress, so we hope this Journal will have the same spirit which is progressive. With the spirit of progression, let us progress together in our field of study.

We introduce our second edition of JEE (Journal of English and Education). Please do explore the English Education, Language and Literature we have presented. Suggestions, critics and any other comments which can make this journal better will always be accepted with arms wide open.

Published: December 31, 2007

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2007): VOLUME 1 NO 1 JUNE 2007

Every journey must be started with a good beginning. A beginning in a long journey of die science of English Education, Language and Literature has been started since long time ago. It is in our own hands we will decide our destiny, "Will this journey become good or not in the future?

The Journal we presented in this edition is part of that good begining. We hope by this Journal, we can share the development and the progress of science of English Education, Language and Literature. We want to share it because science is not to be kept alone, but it must be spread to others. Sience always progress, so we hope this Journal will have the same spirit, which is progressive. It is also a mean for any writiers to empower their ability and make their thought understood.

This is the face of "Journal of English and Education" Islamic University of Indonesia Vol 1 No 1. Please do explore the English and Education, Language and Literature we have presented. Sugestions, critics and any other comments which can make yhe journal better will always be accepted with arms wide open.

Published: July 31, 2007