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Generally, democracy is measured based on the level of people's participation to vote in general election. The higher perticipation, the higher level of democracy. This is, actually, not completely true. In the New Order Era, the participation to vote is extremely high, but, as has been proven by many research, this is far from democratic, because their participation was mostly done due to the despotical pressure. So, the democracy will only happen if such high participation made by awarness and freedom, in democratic political atmosphere with full enforcement of legal norms. In the next general election, it seems that democratic instrument will be made, and therefore, people free to choose and change their political afiliation. 

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Author Biography

Sobirin Malian

menyelesaikan S-1 pada FH Ull (1990) menyelesaikan S-2 pada Program Maglster Hukum UII (2001). Aktif menulis di berbagai media massa dan menulis buku. Aktif di beberapa LSM dan menjadi wartawan free lance. Kini lebih banyak disibukkan dengan editing dan menyunting buku.

How to Cite
Malian, S. (2016). Menakar Loyalitas dan Volatilitas Pemilih Pada Pemilu 2004. Unisia, (51), 79–85.