Journal Description

Eksakta: Journal of Sciences And Data Analysis is an interdisciplinary journal with The Scope of Sciences (Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physics, etc.) and Data Analysis that is published by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Islam Indonesia in collaboration with National Collaboration Network of Higher Education Institutions in the Field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPAnet)

The journal was first published in 2010 as Eksakta: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu MIPA (e-ISSN  2503-2364 and p-ISSN 1411-1047), which then changed to Eksakta: Journal of Sciences and Data Analysis since February 2020 (e-ISSN 2720-9326 and p-ISSN 2716-0459)

All submitted papers should describe originial, innovatory research, and modelling research indicating their basic idea for potential applications. The journal welcomes submission that focus on the progress in the field of chemistry, applied chemisty, materials sciences, pharmaceutical sciences and data analysis.

The journal publishes 2 issues in one volume each year. Starting publication in 2024, the journal will be published in April and October.

Certificate Year 2020 from Ristek/BRIN 

  1. EKSAKTA does not allow double publication (the same papers published in two peer-reviewed journals)
  2. EKSAKTA does not allow double submission (the manuscript is submitted to Journal Eksakta and at the same time also submitted to other peer reviewed journal, before the final decision has been made).
  3. EKSAKTA does not tolerate any plagiarism, data fabrication, fraud & falsification, copyright infringement, and inaccurate author attributions
  4. EKSAKTA Article Format Click Here



Call for Papers – EKSAKTA: Journal of Sciences and Data Analysis - Volume 5 Issue 2 (October 2024)

We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the upcoming EKSAKTA Journal, the collaboration between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Islam Indonesia, and the National Collaboration Network of Higher Education Institutions in the Field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPAnet). We hereby invite the author(s) to submit scholarly papers for publication in the EKSAKTA Journal. Submitted papers should follow the Authors' guidelines and be written in English.

Published two times a year, the journal provides a platform for researchers, academics, industry professionals, and practitioners to present and discuss the latest advancements, innovations, and challenges in chemistry, applied chemistry, materials sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, and data analysis.

Submission Guidelines:

1.⁠ ⁠All papers must be original and not previously published or under review elsewhere.

2.⁠ ⁠Manuscripts should adhere to the provided template and formatting guidelines available on the journal website.

3.⁠ ⁠Submissions should be made electronically via the journal submission system.

4.⁠ ⁠Each paper will undergo a rigorous peer-review process by our distinguished panel of experts.

For more details, please visit the journal website or contact our email at 

Deadline Submission: August 31st 2024.

We look forward to your valuable contributions and the opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas at the EKSAKTA journal.




[Editor in Chief]

VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1, April 2024
Volume 5, Number : 1
January 26, 2024

VOLUME 5, ISSUE 2, October 2024

Published: October 23, 2024

Stock Price Analysis Based on Time Range as a Basis for Determining the Optimal Forecasting Method

Hubbi Muhammad (1), Pramesti Melyna Mustofa (2)
(1) Department of Mathematics, Universitas Pamulang ,
(2) Actuarial Science Department FST Cipasung University, Tasikmalaya

Forecasting Hotel Occupancy Rates in Bali Province using the SARIMAX Method with Tourist Data as an Exogenous Variable

Ihsan Fathoni Amri (1), Abimanyu Arya (2), Yolan Triky (3), Kaia Raissa Akmalia (4), Abdul Ghufron (5), M. Al Haris (6)
(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang ,
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang ,
(3) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang ,
(4) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang ,
(5) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang ,
(6) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Study of the effect of Adding Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) Extract on the Propoerties of Biodegradable Film from κ-Carrageenan

Nurlaida (1), Saadatul Husna (2), Andi Wahyu Trifany (3)
(1) Analytical Chemistry Department Akademi Komunitas Industri Manufaktur Bantaeng ,
(2) Analytical Chemistry Department Akademi Komunitas Industri Manufaktur Bantaeng ,
(3) Analytical Chemistry Department Akademi Komunitas Industri Manufaktur Bantaeng

Alginate-Based Microbeads from Encapsulated Cosmos Caudatus K. Extracts: In Vitro Release Profiles

Safina Samara Nur Fadlila (1), Oktavia Eka Puspita (2), Zubaidah Ningsih (3), Anna Safitri (4)
(1) Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, Indonesia ,
(2) Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, Indonesia ,
(3) Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, Indonesia ,
(4) Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, Indonesia

Chemical Compound Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) From Porang Tubers Waste (A. muelleri blume) as Probiotic

Habibi Hidayat (1), Nakita Heniar Septyana (2), Riang Adeko (3), Dinda Rizki Febriani (4), Amri Setyawati1 (5)
(1) Department of Chemistry, Universitas Islam Indonesia ,
(2) Department of Chemistry, Universitas Islam Indonesia ,
(3) Sanitation Department of Environmental Health, Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Bengkulu ,
(4) Department of Chemistry, Universitas Islam Indonesia ,
(5) Department of Chemistry, Universitas Islam Indonesia ,

The Isolation and Identification of Thiamine-Binding Protein from Black Glutinous Rice Bran (Oryza Sativa var. Glutinosa)

Dwirini Gunarti (1), Josua Kristinao Hilmanto (2)
(1) Department of Biotechemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Indonesia ,
(2) Department of Biotechemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Indonesia

Lethal Concentration (LC50) of Myristicin (Myristica fragrans Houtt) on Larva Aedes aegypti Instar III

Tanendri Arrizqiyani (1), Ummy Mardiana (2), Rudy Hidana (3), Siti Nurhamidah (4)
(1) STIKes Bakti Tunas Husada Tasikmalaya ,
(2) STIKes Bakti Tunas Husada Tasikmalaya ,
(3) STIKes Bakti Tunas Husada Tasikmalaya ,
(4) STIKes Bakti Tunas Husada Tasikmalaya

Treatment of Bottom Ash Medical Waste (BAMW) from Hospital Infectious Waste into Paving Block Products

Riyanto Riyanto (1), Asrel (2), Yuda Jatnika (3)
(1) Department of Chemistry, Islamic University of Indonesia ,
(2) Department of Chemistry, Islamic University of Indonesia ,
(3) Department of Chemistry, Islamic University of Indonesia

Comparison of Inverse Distance Weighted and Thin Plate Spline Interpolation Methods in Projecting the Strength of the West Sumatra Earthquake

Nabila Azzahra Haris Putri (1), Achmad Fauzan (2)
(1) Statistics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Islam Indonesia ,
(2) Statistics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Islam Indonesia

Biochemical Test and Antimicrobial Potentials of Bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides) Leaves against Pathogenic bacteria in the Water

Riang Adeko (1), Habibi Hidayat (2), Andriana Marwanto (3), Sri Mulyati (4), Wiwit Aditama (5)
(1) Poltekes Kemenkes Bengkulu, Kota Bengkulu, Bengkulu ,
(2) Department of Chemistry, Universitas Islam Indonesia ,
(3) Poltekes Kemenkes Bengkulu, Kota Bengkulu, Bengkulu ,
(4) Poltekes Kemenkes Bengkulu, Kota Bengkulu, Bengkulu ,
(5) D III Sanitation Department of Environmental Health, Poltekes Kemenkes Aceh
View All Issues
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1, April 2025
Volume 6, Number : 1
Feb 28, 2025
Yeni Yeni, Mochamad Dicky Yanuar Mamba'ul Rohman, Supandi Supandi
Statistic: 0
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