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Institution as the human product is not steril from tpe various factors like politics, economy, culture and soforth, including the Acts number. 5,1986 aboutjun'stiction of State Procedure, therefore the Acts innovation is surely needed towards the better condition, just and relevance to the society development. This article is aimed as athinking contribution in the frame of
innovation for the Acfs number. 5, 1986 by restricting for the three points including the problem existing sorrounding it namely material and the reason of accusation, the meaningof board or official of state procedure as the accused and realization of decision.


human product politics economy culture

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How to Cite
HR, R. (2016). Beberapa Catatan tentang Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara di Indonesia. Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM, 9(20), 68–80.


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