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The development of informational technology have appeared new transaction pattern that is called electronic commerce (e-commerce). E-commerce is a transaction pattern which uses technology of information. Through e-commerce transaction, it gained much of things economically. But if it is viewed from jurisdical side, the e-commerce transaction model still have problem in law. Regulation of law support for optimalisation of utility the
techonology of information, especially in the e-commerce therefore must be realized. Concretization of this law regulation is realized in the form of the management on relations involved in transaction and it is not managementon its technology.


e-commerce transaction techonology of information

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How to Cite
Riswandi, B. A. (2016). Regulasi Hukum dalam Transaksi E-Commerce: Menuju Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi. Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM, 9(19), 135–144.


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