All articles published in our journals are open access and freely available online, immediately upon publication. However, to cover review and publication fees, all accepted articles will be charged for IDR.2.500.000. It includes the provision of online tools for editors and authors, reviewer fees, article production, and hosting, liaison with abstracting and indexing services, article printing, and provision of two printed journals that will be delivered to the author(s) upon publication. This article processing charges will be effective in 2017.

Frequently-asked questions (FAQ)

How the authors can get their published articles??

Authors can directly download their articles or other articles from JSB website immediately upon publication. 

Will authors receive printed journal in which their article published?

Yes. Author(s) will receive two printed journals that will be delivered to the corresponding address that the author(s) fill in the article metadata.

When and how do I pay?

Upon editorial acceptance of an article, the corresponding author (you) will be notified about the payment process. After the payment confirmed, the articles will be immediately sent to a copy editor and prepared to be issued.

Payment can be made of the following methods:

Transfer Bank - payment can be made online or offline through teller bank to the account that we will provide. After transferring the payment, please make a payment confirmation to us by sending transfer receipt via email or phone.

What about if the author has no funds to make the payment?

If you have no funds to pay such fee, you will have an opportunity to waive such fee. Provide your logical sense why the fee should be waived in OJS while you are submitting your articles. We do not want to prevent of publication of worthy works.