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The Indonesian Labour Dispute Resolution Law: No.22, 1957,-has provided two kinds of mechanism, namely compulsoly arbtration and voluntary arbitration. Both of them are non-litigation dispute resolutions, but, in tact, the voluntary arbitration is rarely used by the partiesto settle their labour dispute. The voluntary arbitration (arbitration) givesless steps on its mechanism and it-has more benefits for the parties, especially on its confidental process. The arbitration-process will fit as the altemative labour dispute resolution, in-Indonesia in the Globalization Era.


Labour Dispute Resolution

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How to Cite
adi, mila karmila. (2016). Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Ketenagakerjaan Melalui Mekanisme Arbitrase di lndohesia. Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM, 9(20), 81–94.