Citedness in Web of Science

Millah: Journal of Religious Studies (Millah: Jurnal Studi Agama) has 27 documents that have been cited 37 times in Web of Science.

Latest update: July 15, 2023 13:49 GMT 7+

Nasution, K. (2003). The role of the indonesian woman’s movement in the reform of the Islamic family law of Indonesia. Millah, 2(2), 249–265.

Cited by:

Six, C. (2022). Towards a transregional history of secularism: Intellectual connectivity, social reform, and state-building in South and Southeast Asia, 1918–1960. Theory and Society, 51(5), 761–790.

Muslich, M. (2004). Pandangan hidup dan simbol-simbol dalam budaya Jawa. Millah, 3(2), 203–220.

Cited by:

Haryanto, S. (2017). Cultural literacy: Using worldviews behind the cultural events for humanizing the students. 4th Asia Pacific Education Conference (AECON 2017), 220–223.

Samsuri, S. (2004). Yahudi dalam Zionisme dan Israel. Millah, 3(2), 289–302.

Cited by:

Panuntun, D. F., & Susanta, Y. K. (2021). Christian hospitality in Javanese bancaan tradition. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 77(4), a6565.

Mu’allim, A., & Abidin, M. Z. (2005). Profesionalisme praktisi baitul mal wa tamwil di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Sleman. Millah, 4(2), 79–96.

Cited by:

Adnan, M. A., & Ajija, S. R. (2015). The effectiveness of baitul maal wat tamwil in reducing poverty the case of Indonesian Islamic microfinance institution. Humanomics, 31(2), 160–182.

Kassim, S. H. J., & Rahman, M. (2018). Handling default risks in microfinance: The case of Bangladesh. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 10(4), 363–380.

Muhammad, H. (2005). The spirit of Islamic entrepreneurship: The dynamics of small and medium entrepreneurs in Indonesia and Malaysia. Millah, 4(2), 129–144.

Cited by:

Harizan, S. H. M., & Mustafa, M. S. (2020). Islamic entrepreneurship: Analysis of research trend. Islāmiyyāt, 42(2), 71–84.

Handriatni, A. (2007). Peran islam dalam penyelamatan lingkungan. Millah: Journal of Religious Studies, 6(2), 33–54.

Cited by:

Almas, B., Sawarjuwono, T., & Iswati, S. (2017). Water trade in Islamic business ethics perspective: Evidence from Indonesia. 1st International Conference Postgraduate School Universitas Airlangga : “Implementation of Climate Change Agreement to Meet Sustainable Development Goals” (ICPSUAS 2017), 296–300.

Gufron, A. (2007). Islam dan konservasi lingkungan (Telaah pemikiran fikih lingkungan Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi). Millah, 6(2), 55–76.

Cited by:

Almas, B., Sawarjuwono, T., & Iswati, S. (2017). Water trade in Islamic business ethics perspective: Evidence from Indonesia. 1st International Conference Postgraduate School Universitas Airlangga : “Implementation of Climate Change Agreement to Meet Sustainable Development Goals” (ICPSUAS 2017), 296–300.

Samroni, I. (2007). People in good corporate governance: Position, relation, and civility scheme. Millah, 7(1 English Edition).

Cited by:

Malini, H. & Yulistri. (2022). Analyzing good corporate governance and corporate social responsibility of Church of Batak Karo Protestant using financial and ethnographic approaches. International Journal of Business and Society, 23(3), 1516–1534.

Nasution, K. (2008). Fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) tentang aliran Ahmadiyah. Millah, 7(2), 273–290.

Cited by:

Hicks, J. (2014). Heresy and authority: Understanding the turn against Ahmadiyah in Indonesia. South East Asia Research, 22(3), 321–339.

Rahman, F. Z. (2014). State restrictions on the Ahmadiyya sect in Indonesia and Pakistan: Islam or political survival? Australian Journal of Political Science, 49(3), 408–422.

Liow, J. C. (2016). Religion and nationalism in Southeast Asia (p. 261). Cambridge University Press;

Jamaa, L. (2018). Fatwas of the Indonesian council of ulama and its contributions to the development of contemporary Islamic law in Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, 8(1), 29–56.

Schäfer, S. (2018). Ahmadis or Indonesians? The polarization of post-reform public debates on Islam and orthodoxy. Critical Asian Studies, 50(1), 16–36.

Khan, F. R., Mirza, M. O. N., & Vine, T. (2023). The UN Global Compact and the Ulama (religious scholars of Islam): A missing voice in Islamic business ethics. Journal of Management Inquiry, 32(3), 214–227.

Masyitoh, M. (2008). A.R. Fakhruddin wajah tasawuf dalam Muhammadiyah. Millah, 8(1), 169–190.

Cited by:

Muttaqin, A., Hamsah, U., & Abror, R. H. (2023). Muhammadiyah, Sufism, and the quest for ‘authentic’ Islamic spirituality. Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, 13(1), 199–226.

Arifin, S. (2008). Law enforcement on blasphemy offense (Study case on Lia Eden Community, Yusman Roy and Ahmadiyah ). Millah, 8(1 English Edition), 1–17.

Cited by:

Makin, A. (2019). Returning to the religion of Abraham: Controversies over the Gafatar movement in contemporary Indonesia. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 30(1), 87–104.

Fauroni, L. (2008). Interpretation of verses on consumption (Application of Quranic economic tafsir). Millah, 8(1 English Version), 1–24.

Cited by:

Kosim, K. (2022). Understanding Islamic law in the context of vaccination: Reducing the doubt cast on COVID-19 vaccines. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 78(4), a7308.

Nurhayati, E. (2010). Nilai-nilai moral Islami dalam Serat Wulang Reh. Millah, 10(1), 41–56.

Cited by:

Ali, M. (2019). The interplay between adab and local ethics and etiquette in Indonesian and Malaysian literature. In R. T. Rozehnal & T. B. Pepinsky (Eds.), Piety, politics, and everyday ethics in Southeast Asian Islam: Beautiful behavior. Bloomsbury Academic.

Baidi, B. (2010). Agama dan multikulturalisme: Pengembangan kerukunan masyarakat melalui pendekatan agama. Millah, Edisi Khusus Desember 2010 Studi Islam dalam Multiperspektif, 1–29.

Cited by:

Hasan, F., Bukido, R., Wekke, I. S., & Mantu, R. (2018). Tolerance attitude among religious people in marine envronment: Case study of mosque of ex-Kampong Texas. 156(1), 012046.

Desky, H., & Rijal, S. (2021). Pengembangan kerukunan masyarakat multikultural melalui pendekatan agama. International Journal of Islamic Thought, 20, 45–52.

Rifa’i, A. (2010). Konflik dan resolusinya dalam perspektif Islam. Millah, Edisi Khusus Desember 2010 Studi Islam dalam Multiperspektif, 171–186.

Cited by:

Asmara, T., & Noho, M. D. H. (2022). Religion and cosmopolitan society: Religious conflict settlement based on legal culture. Cosmopolitan Civil Societies, 14(3), 46–60.

Darmadji, A. (2011). Pondok pesantren dan deradikalisasi Islam di Indonesia. Millah, 11(1), 235–252.

Cited by:

Sulaiman, A. I., Masrukin, M., & Suswanto, B. (2019). The implementation of community empowerment model as a harmonization in the village traumatized by terrorism case. Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun, 7(1), 59–80.

Malik, A. (2023). New variants of ultra-conservative Islamic schools in Indonesia: A study on Islamic school endeavor with Islamic group movement. Power and Education.

Zuhri, S. (2012). The Islamic public sphere: Manifestations of islam in the contemporary Indonesia. Millah, 11(2), 453–472.

Cited by:

Jaya, P. H. I., Saptoni, & Haq, M. I. (2023). Islamism without commotion: The religious transformation of Tuak Kampong in West Lombok. Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, 13(1), 29–56.

Santoso, P. (2012). Ilmu sosial transformatif. Millah, 11(2), 607–632.

Cited by:

Yusdani. (2019). Islam and the rearrangement of society-state relation in the reformation era of Indonesia. International Journal of Islamic Thought, 17(1), 111–118.

Al-Hamid, I. (2013). Islam politik di Papua: Resistensi dan tantangan membangun perdamaian. Millah, 12(2), 441–459.

Cited by:

Aghsari, D., Wekke, I. S., & Abbas, N. (2018). Harmony of coastal community regarding its ethnic religion and cultural diversity. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 156(1), 012034.

Joebagio, H. (2013). Politik Islam dalam pusaran sejarah Surakarta. Millah, 12(3), 155–178.

Cited by:

Setianto, Y., Kanto, S., Wisadirana, D., Fatma, A. C., & Umanailo, M. C. B. (2022). Transforming preman to radical Islamic Laskar in Solo, Central Java. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 78(4).

Sanaky, H. A., & Safitri, E. (2015). Radikalisme agama dalam perspektif pendidikan. Millah, 14(2), 335–346.

Cited by:

Bakhtiar & Salma. (2022). Al-jihād al-insānī: Shumūlīyat “al-Muhammadīyah” fi muḥārabat ja’ihat Covid-19. Studia Islamika, 29(2), 359–397.

Krismono, K. (2017). Salafisme di Indonesia: Ideologi, politik negara, dan fragmentasi. Millah, 16(2), 173–202.

Cited by:

Abubakar, F., Nurlaelawati, E., & Wahib, A. B. (2022). Interpreting bulugh: Enhancement of women’s rights through management of marriage within Salafi community in Wirokerten, Yogyakarta. Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, 12(1), 139–163.

Moneim, A. A. (2018). Towards Islamic maqasidi education philosophy for sustainable development: Quranic perspective with special attention to Indonesia. Millah, 17(2), 221–266.

Cited by:

Zguir, M.F., Dubis, S., & Koç, M. (2021). Embedding Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and SDGs values in curriculum: A comparative review on Qatar, Singapore and New Zealand. Journal of Cleaner Production, 319, 128534.

Zguir, M.F., Dubis, S., & Koç, M. (2022). Integrating sustainability into curricula: Teachers’ perceptions, preparation and practice in Qatar. Journal of Cleaner Production, 371.

Suhartini, T., Muafi, M., Widodo, W., & Suprihanto, J. (2023). The role of Islamic psychological contract on authentic leadership and organizational commitment. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 487, 945–962.

Nugroho, M. A., & Ni’mah, K. (2018). Konsep pendidikan Islam berwawasan kerukunan pada masyarakat multikultural [Islamic education concepts insightful of harmony on multicultural community]. Millah, 17(2), 337–378.

Cited by:

Munardji, Kholis, N., & Mufidah, N. (2020). Community multicultural integration pattern in environment-based learning. International Journal of Instruction, 13(1), 101–124.

Lubis, A. A. A. M. R. (2020). Religious nation state: Bahtiar Effendy and Islamic political thought. Millah, 19(2), 167–198.

Cited by:

Pradhan, H. D., & Tinus, A. (2021). The Pancasila Guidelines Bill and ideological contestation in Indonesia. Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 11(2), Article 2.

Arif, K. M. (2020). Konsep moderasi Islam dalam pemikiran. Millah, 19(2), 307–344.

Cited by:

Muhtifah, L., Prasojo, Z. H., Sappe, S., & Elmansyah, E. (2021). The theology of Islamic moderation education in Singkawang, Indonesia: The city of tolerance. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 77(4), a6552.

Saputra, R., Ritonga, M., Lahmi, A., & Karim, S. (2022). Moderation of religion in A.J. Ayer’s perspective Религиозная умеренность с точки зрения А.Д. Айера. Voprosy Istorii KPSS (Moscow, Russia), 94(10), 280–287.

Inayatillah, Kamaruddin, & Anzaikhan, M. (2022). The history of moderate Islam in Indonesia and its influence on the content of national education. Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 17(2), 213–226.

Rifqi, M. J. (2021). The superiority of customary law over Islamic law on the existence of inheritance: Reflections on Snouck Hurgronje’s reception theory. Millah, 21(1), 217–252.

Cited by:

Hadian, N., Kamelo, T., Syahrin, A., & Ikhsan, E. (2022). Liability against heirs for compensating state losses in criminal and civil acts of corruption in a developing nation. International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences, 17(1), Article 1.

Rauf, M. O., & Fahm, A. O. (2022). Faith interactions in Osogbo, Nigeria: A Muslim perspective. Millah, 21(2), 523–552.

Cited by:

Makhasane, S. D., Onaolapo, A. A., & Onaolapo, D. G. (2023). Addressing religious crises in Nigerian secondary schools: Parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of hijabs in Christian-named government schools. Education Sciences, 13(7), 688.