Journal Description

Journal of Architectural Research and Design Studies is a discursive venue for research groups, lectures and tutors and students emphasizing architectural education in Indonesian context. It connects education realm with building industries and architectural practices. This journal is internationally peer reviewed / refereed.

Journal of Architectural Research and Design Studies contains variety of architectural topics on architectural history and theory and criticism, structure and building science as well as design practices. The Journal encourages discursive architecture on marginalized community, gender, race or ethnicity, as well as multicultural and participatory approach.



Volume 7, Number : 1
May 17, 2023
Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)

Published: November 21, 2023

Millennial’s Residential Design Principle & Basic Model To Improve Work- from-Home Performance Through Mindfulness Practices

Kartiansmara Lilih Purnaumbara (1)
(1) Departement of Architecture, UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Architecture Mosque in Indonesia: The Typical Pattern and Its Shifting Form from The Period of The Kingdom to The Emergence of The YAMP Mosque Phenomenon

Doni Sastra (1)
(1) Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

Reverberation Time Improvement in the Worship Room of Palihan Javanese Christian Church

Tabita Febriawaty Kartika Putri (1), Erni Setyowati (2)
(1) Department of Architecture, Diponegoro University ,
(2) Department of Architecture, Diponegoro University

Study of Kridosono’s Urban Quality Space in Yogyakarta using TUSA

Wiliarto Wirasmoyo (1), Desrina Ratriningsih (2)
(1) Department of Architecture, University of Technology Yogyakarta ,
(2) Department of Architecture, University of Technology Yogyakarta

Optimizing Noise Levels in the Inpatient Room at Bumi Panua Pohuwato Hospital

Moh. Eran (1), Nurmiah (2)
(1) Department of Architecture, Universitas Pohuwato ,
(2) Department of Architecture, Universitas Pohuwato

The Visual Integrity Approach in Historical City Development

A Comparative Study between Istanbul, Vienna, Kyoto and Yogyakarta

Hanif Budiman (1), Mode Jutta (2), Nensi Golda Yuli (3)
(1) Department of Architecture, Universitas Islam Indonesia ,
(2) Department of Architecture, Universitas Islam Indonesia ,
(3) Department of Architecture, Universitas Islam Indonesia
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